NYT myth busters on nutrition

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

Ah, yes, the Island of Pork. It’s been used in support of both sides of the argument for decades, and no one really seems to have a definitive statement about what, precisely, the Okinawan diet consisted of or still consists of. If they used a lot of palm oil or coconut oil, it could have been the saturated fat that preserved them, regardless of whether the rest of their diet was carbs or meat.

(Alec) #22

This starts badly, and then goes downhill… nutritionist is a joke “profession”. They are so invested in dogma, they are blind.

(Robin) #23

What I was calling “better” is that one myth is Calories In, Calories Out, and another is Not All Fat is Bad.

I still call it progress, even though I realize the general gist of their “nutritional” advice is baloney.

(KM) #24

In Robin’s defense, the NYT’s diet and recipe advice is usually abysmal. I mean just not even reflecting mainstream improvement. Yo NYT, 1983 called, they want their diet book back. While I don’t agree with many of these 10 myths busted, this is a lot better than they usually do.

(Myth Buster ) #25

My sister husband is a doctor. He believes in such myths.

He knows I am on keto. But he keep pulling me into arguments. Whatever he says I tell him “interresting” . I just keep asking questions untill he get exhausted and leeve me alone. :grinning:


CICO always works but of course, it matters much what we eat (maybe not for weight-gain in the case of some but totally for others, apparently. but it matters a lot for health and we never should forget about that) and weight-GAIN isn’t so simple, eating way over our needs doesn’t necessarily result in it so I didn’t comment it before :). And CICO is complex (it would be very wrong otherwise) and we shouldn’t imagine some numbers we can’t know about. People do sad things when they believe in some numbers and eat accordingly. Well they are humans. It takes a lot of effort, time, maybe some knowledge and experiences to suspect how to eat right. No wonder people mess it up. (Hedonism would help many, I am so lucky I have it. I would never say “oh my fat and protein target is up, not my needs, my stupid target I got from a calculator, I will just starve and stay awake at night because I can’t sleep due to it”. I never forget that case… but just forcing down chicken breast galore very unnecessarily is bad too.)

I don’t consider the other myth buster good as OF COURSE an essential nutrient isn’t all bad! Who on earth came up with the idea that fat is bad and while other people didn’t shut them up? I never even heard about this before! I mean, that all fat is bad, period. Much or certain fats, sure (and too much fat IS bad and certain fats ARE bad, too bad dietitians and most people have very odd ideas about what is too much and which kinds are bad…). But we need fat… It’s a widely known fact. Isn’t it? Everyone should know that.
I personally never can wrap my head around things that going out and eating normal things we find (animals, eggs, nuts) or something ABUNDANCE in them could be really bad. Isn’t it normal for a human to eat these? So fat is clearly fine, red meat is clearly fine etc. Okay, I understand survival isn’t the same as ideal eating so my thinking may be a bit flawed, I know it’s a rough thing but maybe you get it…? These are normal things to eat… Ratios and amounts matter, fat needs experiments and science as a hunted animal usually isn’t super fatty (unless we go and hunt seals or fatty animals before winter or something)…
But when modern folks say that all normal nice lovely food one is used to is bad and we should eat something way more processed and artificial and modern… It feels wrong even without my experiences or any knowledge about nutrition.


My aunt was a doctor, she didn’t agree with me either but we didn’t argue (that happened in the past when I went vegetarian and refused to come back :smiley: she couldn’t handle it well. but it wasn’t my problem). I think we both knew it’s virtually impossible to change the other one’s beliefs. But I have experiences too so even without science or whatever, I can just say my body LOVES this and HATES that. I am a hedonist and my body has the power anyway, it can make my life harder if I don’t give it what it wants but it’s my body, it knows better what it needs at the moment anyway… So I just eat the way I feel good :smiley: And not the way I feel bad. Should I? :smiley:

Sometimes it’s a simpler angle, I am not always in mood for more scientific and deep arguments.
And this is a quite important reason for me. I am a hedonist, I won’t eat in a way that my body hates… Of course, my body isn’t stupid and it likes the woe that is good for it best. So all is well.

I am physically and mentally unable to eat in the advised way anyway so I never tried. I am farther now though, it’s fun :smiley:
If I manage to reach my goal, carnivore OMAD (with plenty of red meat, obviously as the others aren’t satiating to me and anyway, taste…), I will be pleased. Not due to being super far from the advised woe but that tiny extra doesn’t hurt :wink: