Nutritional ketosis necessities

(Jeremiah ) #1

Gods blessings to all my ketonian family…I am totally itching to ask you whether or not the presence of exogenous fat has to be present with the low carb moderate protein in order to stay in nutritional ketosis after fat adaption has taken place… Thank you so much for responding. :pray:t2: If I’m fat adapted I would think that my personal stored far could make up for what I don’t eat and if I’m meeting my low carb and moderate protein aspect I shouldn’t have to worry about adding fat bombs and high high fat sides correct???

(Anderson Herzogenrath Da Costa) #2

It’s not that simple.
There is only so much energy your body can break from the fat stores every day and by eating carbs and protein your body will not reach satiety levels and you’ll be hungry without eating fat.
The best way to use the stored fat without fat on your plate is to fast.

(Carpe salata!) #3

That is correct. BUT if you get hungry EAT SOME FAT because otherwise your body will think it’s tough times and turn down your thermostat etc rather than burn your precious fat reserves.

Don’t go hungry on keto unless you’re actually fasting - otherwise eat fat to satiety.

(Jeremiah ) #4

Not trying to argue but I’ve been talking with Dr. Benjamin Bikman a PhD in physiology and developmental biology on messenger. Can’t believe hes responding to me but I have to quote his words “No, you don’t need fat with carbs or protein to be in ketosis. But, of course, if either of those gets too high (depending on the protein), you won’t be in ketosis.” It is essential to get some good fats of course to sorta buffer the effects that a little too much protein or carbs may have which will definitely happen.

(Carpe salata!) #5

Thanks for reporting the info from the expert. I don’t think it is contradictory. He says to eat a little fat as a buffer ( not exactly sure what that means ) , the other thing is to listen to your body’s satiety signals for whether you need more.

(Jeremiah ) #6

I’m the one who added the comment about the buffer. I just think that 75% fat is a faulty number. I’m sure it has allot to do with calorie expenditure and physical stresses on the body as well. Thank you for your insight🙏🏻

(Carpe salata!) #7

In this forum we, and 2KD in general, don’t use percentages.

It’s simply keeping carbs way low <20g plus minimal necessary protein eg 1g per kg of lean body mass. Then top up with fat to satiety. Everyone’s percentages will be different.

Because satiety is the guide, you never have to be hungry.