Not failing quite so badly at Keto now! Need help with protein-free food?



I read it. But as I said, I’m not going to do your homework for you. You come in here demanding this list that you haven’t even tried to search for yourself. Several of us have tried to tell you that you are mistaken in your impression about what keto is, and you have been rude to all of us and still demand this non-existent list.

YOU are resposible for what you eat, not us. And YOU are ultimately responsible for figuring out how keto works. Several people have made very good suggestions and offered helpful advice, and all you’ve done is argue and complain.

So sorry you’re an angry person, but taking your anger out on us isn’t going to change your results IF YOU’RE NOT EATING CORRECTLY.

I’ll bow out now and wish you luck.


Thank you!


Wonderful!!! I’ll do this!

I did notice that when I cut protein my ketosis levels went WAY up…?? However evn so I am not losing weight.

Your words make sense…this is extremely complicated as the diet is different for everybody. I really want to see the dramatic results others talk about and while it’s frustrating I am content to be going in the right direction!

(Running from stupidity) #28

Actually, most people don’t have dramatic results, so don’t chase that.


Really?!?!?!? Because I keep seeing all these “I lost 60 pounds in 7 months” (or whatever) posts coming up. Help?

Not losing an ounce in a month is depressing.

(Running from stupidity) #30

Yeah, nobody except me writes blog posts about how they’ve had a good solid moderate result :slight_smile:

If you read a bit here you’ll see that results vary wildly. Yes, there are the super-losers - mostly really large blokes - and then a whole lot of people who are losing at a steady and unspectacular rate (which is really what you want anyway), punctuated by stalls of varying lengths where no weight is lost at all.

Also, and this is really important, the scale is far from the only metric that determines success. Even if I wasn’t losing weight (slowly) I’d be pretty happy with the way it’s helped my depression, ADHD and energy levels.


This is true. I love this diet, words I never thought I would say. It’s just so disappointing. I’ll put the scale away. Again.

(Chris) #33

You’ve been given bad advice, in my opinion. I’d jack your protein back up - because here are the other options: More sugary carbs, which will cause you to store fat, more fibrous carbs, which are completely worthless, or more fat, which, in excess, can cause fat gain. Excess protein is something you will probably never hit with how much you eat, I wouldn’t worry about excess protein turning to sugar - your body is going to be making that sugar anyway, eating protein will make it so your body isn’t breaking down your hard-earned lean tissue to do so.

Not only that, but such is low level of protein will almost certainly lead to major frailty when you’re old and wrinkly. Think about the survival rate of elderly folks who break their hip. Not good at all.

Lastly - keep in mind that we don’t just get overweight and sick over a couple of months (at least, not normally). It takes time to damage yourself. It will take time to get back to real healthy state. Stick with it and keep your chin up. Change your mindset to think about the long term big picture.

(Rose) #34

There are only 3 types of food. Carbs, protein and fat. If you don’t want protein then it leaves carbs and fats. If carbs are bad…except low starch veggies… that leaves fat. You don’t have a lot of options. I stalled for 3 weeks so far on the scale but my measurements are still dropping…weird i know! Protein is still very important. I think it is the reason I’m still getting smaller…less body fat but more muscle. I couldn’t gain muscle without protein. Also too few calories probably made me stall. I added 300 calories per day for 1 week (protein and fat) then dropped back down for this week. I’m hoping it helps end my stall. What I’m saying is most people don’t lose weight fast…only 1-3 lbs per week with stalls in between. I lost 50lbs fast a few yrs ago and gained it all back… plus 10… even faster. It’s frustrating to have it happen slow but I want it to be a change of life…not a diet. I’m tired of being sick. Good luck Queen!


Thank you!


It’s so confusing. I get conflicting advice regularly. Logically I should eat unlimited protein but again, once I cut it back my ketosis shot up from trace to high. So I don’t know what to do.

You are correct about slow weight loss, I just have not seen ANY weight loss and that is the bummer.

Thank you!!


Thank you

(Jane) #38

How much weight do you want to lose?


85 pounds

(Cheryl Meyers) #40

Actually, you will be ok no matter whether your ketones are low or high–as long as you are burning ketones, and not glucose, you will be running on fat and healing your body. here’s a thread on that: Blood ketone level clarification