No longer lactose intolerant?

(justin cannon) #1

I’ve been low carb since Jan 1. Full Keto diet since Easter. Before low carb I was lactose intolerant. I had a list of cheeses that gave me migraines and a list that gave me (disaster pants as Richard says). Of course a list I had no issues like Swiss, Colby, Mozzarella, also String cheese which is also Mozzarella. Cream cheese and Cheddar were on the disaster list. I’ve noticed so many changes since Keto, I felt the urge to try some disaster cheese. Surprisingly no I’ll effects. Not sure about the headache cheese, and won’t try anytime soon. My question is has anyone else noticed a change of no longer lactose intolerant?? If so, why?? I’m from Wisconsin so I’m seeing this as a plus. I can finally enjoy foods I haven’t since I was a young boy. I just can’t figure out why it would change. Is it really because I’m now a fat burner and not sugar? Or was it the other food causing a reaction like a cheese allergy?? Would love to find out why. Also wish I would’ve found out about Keto 15 years ago. What a lifestyle change, don’t see myself going back to sugar again. 47.5 lbs down 50 to 75 to go.


I’ve read about lactose intolerance symptoms abating for people when they cut gluten out of their diet.

(Richard Morris) #3

wow - that’s remarkable.

(Jan) #5

I’ve always had issues with any uncultured dairy - from plain milk through heavy whipping cream. (Total intestinal ‘cleansing’ effect!) It doesn’t seem to be bothering me at all anymore. I’m glad you brought this up!

(justin cannon) #6

Thanks for getting back. Glad I’m not the only one.

(Jessika Nilsson) #7

I’ve read somewhere that lactose intolerance can be caused by gluten intolerance as the ability to break down lactose is linked to your vili (?) in the guts. And if your celiac the ‘vili’ has been destroyed or really damaged. Some celiacs who were also lactose intolerant have been cured from their lactose intolerance when they remove gluten from their diet and after their gut has recovered.

(justin cannon) #8

Thanks all for the info. I Guess since I wasn’t intending to go gluten free, I didn’t even think along that line. Makes sense though, because I haven’t been eating any grains. Either way hope this diet can help any others with the lactose problem. Being in Wisconsin you don’t find many meals with out cheese of some sort.

(Jan) #9

Interesting! This kinda makes sense. I never thought I had a gluten issue, but maybe I did after all.

(Rebecca) #10

I used to be lactose intolerant, I was only able to eat hard cheese. I went Paleo in 2013, fixed my stomach issues, got of reflux medication and was no longer lactose intolerant, thank goodness as I love my dairy.

(Janelle) #11

I’m glad I found this! I did Keto for a month and now I can have any dairy without having to run to the bathroom! It used to be so bad that even the smallest bite of diary would tear up my guts, and the other day I realized I had a full bowl of cereal with whole milk without take my pills and nothing! No discomfort whatsoever! So weird, but so excited!!!

(jp) #12

I used to have stomach problems after eating coconut, eggs, and milk/ice cream/lots of cheese (a little cheese didn’t seem to affect me). After one week of keto, I noticed how nothing bothered my stomach! It had to have been the bread products and occasional oats and other grains I ate. It’s amazing not to have to take stomach-soothing products; I got used to needing them once or twice a week. I just blamed the eggs or cheese.


it is probably you dropped the plant matter food or ‘more junky chemical man made foods’ that made ya think dairy was your enemy cause you probably never did an ‘all elimination menu’ down to meat/seafood/fat only and then rebuild and learn what truly is ‘the bad guy’

So eating cleaner and dumping some crap that did ya in and eating some good old great dairy with limits shows up ‘as dairy is ok now’ then you don’t truly know dairy was ever the problem? How do you truly know you were lactose intolerant and if taken a test, was it while eating ‘everything else’ on the planet? So much hides behind the other ya know when it comes to what foods we did eat.

I say walk your new path and go forward and enjoy. I don’t think any thought should go into the why one can’t probably ‘diagnosis’ at this point, it is ALL about your movement forward now and just take it for what it is worth :wink: :sunny:

very happy you are doing so well and got your sights onto better health and as things changes as your move forward, and they will, you listen to what the body is saying and ya got this!!

(Bunny) #14

Plant matter does not cause lactose intolerance, because lactose is a sugar that gets broken down into galactose and also the simple sugar glucose, just like eating too much meat from animal proteins will be converted into glucose, so your basically burning sugar which is exactly same-thing as burning refined carbohydrates but not as potent as when combined with refined carbohydrates; none-the-less your still doing the same-thing; burning sugar if that’s what you like doing?

There is no difference between burning sugar from animal proteins and processed carbohydrates, both trip hammer IGF-1 in exactly the same way which leads to metabolic problems (GH-INDUCED INSULIN RESISTANCE?)

The Vitamin C you get from meat (google says 0) or e.g. fruit like peppers in ratio to glucose in blood circulation seems to be a unique unexplored paradox.

Then the question becomes how much Vitamin C is in circulation with that glucose if your only eating meat? None? How frightening? Blood glucose meters will read Vitamin C as glucose even if no glucose is present?

In my opinion along with all that dietary fat it is a future stroke or cardiac arrest just waiting to happen…


[1] “…Lactose intolerance occurs when your small intestine doesn’t produce enough of an enzyme (lactase) to digest milk sugar (lactose). Normally, lactase turns milk sugar into two simple sugars — glucose and galactose — which are absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal lining. …” …More

[2] “…The build up of galactose causes serious health problems. Total galactose (also present in other than dairy foods) avoidance is currently the only treatment. …” …More>

[3] “…The researchers pin the negative effects of liquid milk on D-galactose, a breakdown product of lactose that has been shown to be pro-inflammatory. Milk has much more D-galactose than does cheese or yogurt. …” …More


you misunderstood my post and everything I was chatting.