Niacin - B3 Flushing Ketone boost

(Matthew Stanfield ) #1

So I have been watching and learning as much as I can in how to Keto and the benefits to doing so and I came across a you tube video that promoted Niacin B3 as a booster to Ketones.
I was wondering if any body used this and if so why and what have been your results?

(Ron) #2

I think that supplementing Vitamin B3 while eating the Keto way is overkill. The foods that are consumed with this WOE have more Niacin than you will need. I track all my food and average about 185% of the RDA. Close to double the suggested amount and it is all through the foods that fit the Keto diet.

(Trish) #3

Keep in mind though, Ron, that RDAs are pretty much bare minimums. For example the RDA for vitamin c is 60 mg based on the fact that one needs 46 mg per day to prevent scurvy and we all know that there are lots of benefits to taking C at significantly higher doses.
As for the niacin and keto, I’m not sure. What I do know of niacin is that it works extremely well as a mood stabilizer and antidepressant.

(Ron) #4

Agreed and that is why I am completely satisfied with about “double” the amount of average consumption from the foods I eat.:slightly_smiling_face:

(Todd Allen) #5

Niacin suppresses the release of fatty acids which lowers ketones for a while on the order of a few hours. But then there typically is a rebound effect with elevated fatty acid oxidation and increased ketones. In general, niacin is effective at lowering blood triglycerides, modestly boosts hdl and slightly lowers ldl. I’ve done a fair bit of experimenting with niacin and find I get the best results with 1 big dose daily of fast acting nicotinic acid as opposed to slow release forms. Unfortunately this also produces a strong flushing response though it bothers me less than it used to.

(Trish) #6


(North Ern) #8

I take 3g of instant release niacin per day in divided dowses of 1g per. The flushing goes away with continued uses. It’s improved my blood lipids dramatically and significantly boosts my blood ketones.

(Jane) #9


What were your blood ketones before and after taking the niacin?