Newbie- no weight loss HELP! I’m ready to quit!

(Alec) #57

That looks much better… load up with fat!

(Jay AM) #58

This is where I disagree. Beginners struggle just to get over eating so much fat. And then they struggle to eat enough calories. There are so many struggles to new ketoers that also having to obsess about each individual ingredient is ridiculous. A big chunk of regular ketoers don’t even do that and for good reason. Obsessive hyper focus on every little detail causes burnout for most regular people just trying to stay healthier and off a hospital bed. If I had to do that my options would be to not eat and that’s it. My life is lived off fast food, questionable restaurants with questionable nutrition facts, Wal-Marts that aren’t even savvy enough to carry Stevia or high fat beef just because of my job.

I’ve said this before, everyone has their soap box demon. Yours is ingredients and that’s fine for you. But, telling anyone that they have to worry about not only carbs but now ingredients when they are still trying to figure out how to keto is like switching the game from tutorial to hell mode.

I have a few ingredients I agree should be avoided. Maltitol and xylitol for example because often they demonstrate a glucose effect. Someone’s fats shouldn’t be primarily seed oils and should be animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and butter as often as possible. But, if something has starches and the carb count still fits, go for it if that’s what you’ve got to work with. Also noting that MSG has been highly demonized while it’s being ignored that glutamic acid (what MSG is) is found naturally in aged cheese, walnuts, broccoli, mushrooms, and other items. And, sugar cured items have negligible amounts added for browning purposes. Minute amounts of starch are added to some seasonings to help them stick to foods. Some vegetables contain nitrates.

I’m not trying to disagree that ingredients can be important but, for the general population and especially newbies, it’s a lot more than necessary. Everyone eventually chooses what to focus on with more learning and figure out what can be ignored.


when asked what to do I reply with stop sugar and grain, and add in good fats. Until that adjustment is made I delay further information. For most the sugar thing is the hardest and the most important. Problem is many people only want to be given a plan but not willing to find it out on there own. So make a task of finding the sugars, eg. I was talking to a guy that has been LCHF for 15 years and could not lose any more weight, and he was only eating one meal a day. He did not recognize the half gallon of milk he had in his coffee each morning as sugar.


I don’t think the point was to be obsessed about ingredients, but rather try to eat the least processed foods we can in general. That by itself takes care of the usual suspects of keto sabotages :slight_smile:

(Jay AM) #61

When we are worrying over bacon and brats because they are cured with sugar and avoiding pork rinds with added starches which might not even be enough to raise the carbs to a full 1g, that’s going beyond just eating the least processed foods and into a more nitpicking level. What if the least processed foods available are the sugar cured bacon and brats and starchy pork rinds? When an opinion is shared telling someone what they have to do and that opinion isn’t the norm, I find it important to share the extra information that the original person didn’t. Or when that opinion is elitist. We have people here from all walks, budgets, dietary needs, etc making it work with what they have available. If that’s a package of Oscar Meyer hot dogs and cheese, telling someone that they can’t have them because they have to avoid a million other ingredients even if the foods fit macros is painfully exclusionary. My opinion is that keto should be available to all willing to learn and adapt regardless of time or money to cook exclusively at home or buy perfect food with perfect macros and perfect ingredients.

(Cara) #62

I’m 4 weeks keto this Friday.
I’m similar. I lost 3kg straight away due to the water weight. But haven’t lost anything since. I think I might be consuming too many calories. I was fat adapted at week 3. So yesterday through to this Friday I am “fasting” and eating at dinner time only. Breakfast and lunch I just had an espresso with a dash of full fat cream.
I’m hoping this might get me on the downward. But I’m not ready to quit because of it. I’m not hungry, when I eat I actually FEEL real fullness. I have energy all day. I didn’t take a before photo or measurements and I wish I did as I’m sure my guts is smaller. It’s the non-scale victories for me at the moment.
I’ve been fat since puberty so there is no way I’m turning this around in 4 weeks…
Keep persisting :muscle:

(Jay AM) #63

I’d love it if you made your own post in the newbie section with your age, weight, height, average macros, average calories, and maybe a food list so some of us can work with you to achieve your goals in a more keto healthy way. Until then, you might find this topic interesting.

(Diane) #64

Thanks @J_A-M. Well said! I completely agree. I was struggling with how to say this.

I have lost ~80 lbs without needing to be excessively careful about the carbs in BBQ pork rinds, sausage and bacon. However, up until now, I have been using purchased mayonnaise and a certain blue cheese dressing. Because they contain soybean oil, I’m now at a point where I feel the need to start making my own. But I think it’s worth pointing out that I’ve had pretty good success over the past eight months without that adjustment. This is a journey and it’s worthwhile for me to remember to seek progress NOT perfection. So far, that’s allowed me to feel the benefits of the WoE (increased mental clarity, emotional calm and resilience and… weight loss). These benefits keep me motivated to Keep Calm and Keto On while continuing to make adjustments as I journey on.

(Tori) #65

Thanks for the advice. I have hanged my intake a little since that day, it’s been about 1.5 weeks since then. My question is, what are other ways to get the fat other than avocado or bacon? I do buy all natural bacon. I’m not a fan of avocado unfortunately. I do eat deviled eggs and cook with butter, bacon grease and olive oil. I eat about 4-6 olives per day also. I’ve cut back on the Atkins bar unless necessary, meaning I’m out in the car most of the day. I’m trying to increase water. I appreciate everyone’s advice. I’m frustrated. I definitely chose this lifestyle to lose weight and keep it off, I just didn’t expect to take so long to lose so little. I plan one having another child next year, so I would like to lose as much as possible before then and still have time to enjoy it.

(Tori) #66

Jam- I posted god and stats info above . I actually created this post Do I need to creat a new one? I’m new here. Sorry :hugs:

(Jay AM) #67

My reply was to the post above mine so, it didn’t show who I was replying to. Sorry.

(lldb) #68

I’m new here also so I may be doing this wrong. I’ve also been trying to increase my FAT. Cheese sticks can help increase fat. Also, I make omelets. I add a couple spoonfuls of cream cheese to it, plus cheddar cheese. I cook it in butter or olive oil and after it’s done I drizzle on a little more olive oil. I’ve also been told to google and try FAT BOMBS. but I’m looking for the ones without any sweeteners.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #69

Try googling savory fat bombs. You should find quite a lot.

(lldb) #70

Thank you! I googled “savory” fat bombs and found exactly what I was looking for. Will try some of these. :slight_smile:

(Denise smith) #71

5 lbs is an awesome weight loss for 3 weeks. I gained 12 lbs when I first went on keto. Your body needs to heal then the weight loss will come fast and easy. How long did it take to gain that weight? Your body needs to know your going to keep on treating with good health foods before it’s going to let go of it’s reserves. Our bodies are amazing and Keto is a lifestyle not a diet

(Angelica Lopez) #72

Gonna have to strongly disagree here. She came here asking for help with slow to no further weight loss. There is obviously a problem and it no doubt lies with what she is eating. There’s a ton of added sugars and starches in her diet which shouldn’t be consumed by anyone attempting keto, it goes against this entire way of eating. The point is to avoid these additives not encourage people to keep eating them. We are all different and we stall over different things as well. It isn’t fair to make her think what she’s eating is okay when it may very well be the problem. When you are stalled every avenue should be explored, in this case, she clearly has changes to make and I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I’m here to help not give false comfort.

(Diane) #73

That’s very strong language with which I disagree strongly. Different people with different genetic makeups and different dietary histories and health issues all come to this ketogenic way of eating for different reasons. I’ll allow you your point of view, which comes out of your own experience (you’re certainly not alone in your thinking). Your language suggests you don’t allow me to have come to different conclusions based on my own experiences.

My own experience suggests that your Duke’s mayonnaise with its soybean oil (I googled the nutrition and ingredients) would be harmful to my health because I have high inflammatory markers. If you can eat it without similar consequences, that’s excellent for you. I’m not here to tell you otherwise.

People can experience stalls or other difficulties along their journies to health for MANY reasons. Your suggestions have value. So do the suggestions of others. None of us know for sure which information will contain the answers Tori and others are seeking.

The diversity of ideas and options for “tweaks” is one of the biggest strengths of these ketogenic forums. Some of the other strengths are the kindness and respect that is generally demonstrated here.

I wish you well on your journey.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #74

A well-formulated ketogenic diet is fairly easy. People have suggested all kinds of tweaks and complications in this thread, but basically, all eating keto takes is the following:

  1. Moderate protein
  2. Keeping carbs under 20 g a day
  3. Eating fat until you’re no longer hungry
  4. Patience; i.e., keep calm and keto on

All the rest of the suggestions posted here are great ideas about how to maximize benefits, but these four points are the only essentials. Notice that there is no mention in these four points of counting calories, or macro percentages, or measuring ketones, or what kinds of fats are best, or many other things. You may or may not find such things helpful, but you can be keto without them. There are no rules to keto, so feel free to make it as simple or as complicated as you like.

My opinion is that point four is the most important for your situation right now. Keto is not a crash diet, but a long-term way of eating, and it pays to give your body plenty of time to heal, fix its metabolic disfunction, and adjust to the new way of eating. Good luck, and keep us posted.

(Terence Dean) #75

I agree with PaulL here, keep it simple is the best, for me anyway.

I find this Keto Food Pyramid graphic more useful than figures, apps, techno speak. . A bit of common sense when it comes to eating Keto. :slight_smile:

(Roy D Rushing Jr ) #76

What would you go to that would offer better results? I suppose you could fast and lose weight faster, but I can’t see anyone who is ready to quit keto after three week sticking to fasting long enough to see benefit. That’s even harder than keto, and once you started eating again you’d probably gain it all back and then some. For long term weight loss you need something sustainable.

Keto lets you eat, and eat quite a bit if you want to. It’s probably the only “diet” where the answer to “I’m hungry!” is always “Well then why aren’t you eating”? You’re telling me that you’re doing that, losing weight, and somehow it’s so unbearable that you’re considering quitting? Think about that for a minute. Think about what the alternatives are. Every single one of them is going to involve hunger to get even short term results. They’re all going to allow insulin inducing foods into the mix, and then they’re going to tell you to stop eating after a certain amount. That combination is going to make you hungry, which is quickly going to eclipse whatever discomfort you might be feeling right now.