New User - Waiting 22 hours to post again?



22 hours?

I’m all for spam control… but waiting 22 hours before I can post again? On my own created topic?

So much for keeping up the momentum.

Bah humbug for sure.

(Mike) #2

That limit quickly goes away and this forum has almost no spam as a result. I believe the more you read and use the site the faster your permissions are upgraded.

(VLC.MD) #3

Ideally a moderator / admin could bypass the restrictions.
I nominate Sassa for limitation bypassing !

(matt ) #4

That’s put in place by Discourse to prevent bots and spam. The more time you spend here and the more posts you look at and like and such the faster you gain access to the full functionality of the forum.

Hang around. It’s so worth it.