New here and need help!

(Garry (Canada)) #21

Thanks Kayla,

According to my input of your macros, you should consider the following:

175g fat
90g protein
20g net carbs

This is a 2000 calorie allowance which is based on your details provided above giving you a 20% calorie deficit with the correct F/P/NC ratio for success with keto.

Good luck.

(Roy D) #24

I’m sorry, I’ll need more help to understand specifically what you are asking.

Are you asking how to get to;

  1. the posts from @Juke88,
  2. The Butter Bob YouTube videos,
  3. The “2 Keto Dudes” and/or “The Obesity Code” podcasts,
  4. the WIKI Acronyms page, or
  5. something else?

(dianalynn sparkman) #25

sorry for the misunderstanding. I was having issues getting my message out there.

(Kayla Suprynowicz) #26

Thanks! I made it to about 110g of fat yesterday, and was testing small to mod for ketones. Question for everyone, does anyone else have a gluten allergy or intolerance? I’m thinking that might be the cause of the swelling. I’ve been very careful about what I’m eating and realized that there’s gluten in some things I was eating daily even when I was cutting out carbs

(Sarah ) #27

IDDM is a common medical abbreviation for “insulin dependant diabetes mellitus” as well

(Ethan) #28

Yeah. IDM = intensive dietary management (one D).

Is IDDM (insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus) T1? Or is it also used for T2 who just take MORE insulin to supplement the already high insulin?

PS: Can we change IDDM to I don’t deny meat?

(Sarah ) #29

There are a whole bunch of subtypes of diabetes mellitus, but if someone, say an ER doc or even many patients, doesnt know an thing about the person overall endocrine status, they’re just classified by the types of meds the person takes. The most common presentation is type 2 whose pancreas has “crapped out”.


I have Celiac, its takes a while but eventually you learn what does and doesn’t have gluten.

Always read the labels, and learn the keywords that can mask “hidden” gluten. For example if it just says vinegar on a label, don’t buy it. Chances are its distilled white vinegar, but there is always that chance its malt vinegar.

Avoid all grains on keto anyway which will keep a lot of things safer. Soy sauce can be gluten free, but you have to be careful again to read the label as most soy sauce in the US is made with wheat.

If you are currently eating a lot of salt, you can also try restricting your salt for a while to see if that has an effect on your water retention.

Its best to stick with food that look like what they are. Meats and vegetables that haven’t been processed.


Another one to watch is matlodextrin which can be made from sugar, corn or wheat.

I personally do not like Macros based on percentages. I think straight numbers work better. I think you should carbs around 20, at 5’4 unless you are a body builder 50-80g protein is more than enough. Then fat until you feel satisfied. Unless you take your food to work I do not think you need to preplan every last morsel or even how many calories

(Kayla Suprynowicz) #32

Did you have a lot of water retention before you were diagnosed? I noticed there is some hidden gluten in the dressings I was using for my salads and some other things. I don’t eat more than 2500mg of salt usually, so I don’t think it’s that.

(Kayla Suprynowicz) #33

I do 12 hour shifts and I do meal prep otherwise it becomes hard. Both hospitals I work at have cafeterias but they aren’t the greatest option wise.


I used to have some fluid build up in my feet and ankles.