New Color palette

(Richard Morris) #102

Oh dear that’s nasty

(Michael Iafrato ) #103

@richard… Since dark is winning and we can’t change the color on our mobile version is it possible to make the site dark and then for those who want it white they can change it with the edit button on the desktop? Just wondering.

(Carol Hawkins) #104

I like that option, since we’re all special snowflakes. That way we can all choose whatever works for us (I’m a light side person, myself)

(Tom) #105

I love Slack! I set up a page for my med school class to use and it’s been a lifesaver!

(bambiying2) #106

Me too!

(Andy) #107

Black is the new black!

(KB) #108

Liking the neutral brown!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #109

Where? I only see muave

(Kieny Poppen) #110

I see white on my iPad and grey on my PC!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #111


(KB) #112

Better than the blue & white

(Meeping up the Science!) #113

It’s aubergine!

(G. Andrew Duthie) #114

Meh. Colors shouldn’t have more than two syllables. Too fancy otherwise. :smiley:

(ketohealthclub) #115

I’m all for the light background. That black background was hard on my eyes!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #116


(Retta Stephenson) #117

May I suggest a simple solution (at least for now) for those who feel the white is too bright, hurts their eyes, is glaring, or other problems?

Just go to the controls on your device (on my desktop Mac it’s called Display) and simply turn down the brightness setting. Easy peasy. Hope that helps someone be more comfortable with reading on the forum here.

And I’m 65, definitely not a techie, but this is easy stuff to learn.

(David Propst) #118

The light mode background is OK, but the text could be darker for easier reading.

(trevor) #119

i like it, easy on the eyes at night


Happy to be here! First time on any forum so hope to get it right. Do you download anything to a home screen on smartphones? Thank you for all of your efforts.

(Richard Morris) #121

Welcome. On my samsung the app just asked me after a few minutes if I wanted to have a home screen icon and when I said yes it added it.

There is an actual app from the people who built the forum, but you need to have been using the forum on the browser for like 15 mins first.