Needing to eat every 3 to 4 hours?

(Rob Grantham) #1

Ive been keto now for 3 months… Ive done keto before and dieted pretty much my whole life. I can eyeball an avocado/tomato and tell how many grams net carbs it is. (i even test them on the scales with freakish accuracy) Im a bit keto obsessed :wink: my biggest problem is that I wish i could go for longer than 4 hours without feeling panikey hungry. Like Im having some kind of adrenaline release from hunger. I imagine its like my blood sugar has dropped too low and my body is having some kind of stress response. As long as i eat every 3 to 4 hours im fine. What gives? I thought i would be able to fast by now and to go for longer periods without eating without feeling this anxiety/ irritability feeling. Will my body take much longer to adjust to fat as fuel? Or am i doing something wrong?


What are you eating when you eat?


At first I thought you were saying every 45 minutes, but my question remains

(Laurie) #4

I used to be like this, but not on keto. Now (as expected) I can go much longer between meals.

If you tell us what you’re doing, maybe someone can tell you what you’re doing “wrong.”


you will be fine, starting soon you should be able to close your feeding window into less and less hours and between 6 and 12 months i would think you can get to omad, there is not a need to rush

(Empress of the Unexpected) #6

I’m at six months and still need to eat three times a day. If I miss a meal I get a stomach ache.


Cole would say boo hoo suck it up

(Empress of the Unexpected) #8

Everyone is different. I am at maintenance weight so I really see no need to force my body into something it’s not ready to do.


completely different situation

(Joanna Parszyk ) #10

My guess is that you need a bit more time to get fat adapted since one of markers of tat adaptation is loss of appetite.
My tip is to think of some distractions. Sometimes l’m so busy that l realize that l haven eaten for a long time yet l’m doing just fine.
Another trick is to get a bit if salt when this anxiety riden hunger appears. Wait it out and see if it is real or emotional hunger.
Fingers crossed for your progress!

(KCKO, KCFO) #11

When I get hungry between meals, it usually means I did not eat enough fat in my last meal or I over did it with the carbs.

Are you near maintenance weight or still have a lot of extra fat to pull down? That can make a difference, if you don’t have enough fat on the body and aren’t eating enough fats at meals, you will have issues.

Good luck sorting it out.


You may want to trying increasing the volume of food and see if that increases your satiety window. Try eating a massive amount of low carb veggies (ie. a pound of broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, asparagus) or an enormous salad.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #13

With an enormous amount of blue cheese dressing…

(Rob Grantham) #14

A typical meal looks like this 30-40g fat from either butter, lard or olive oil a few heads of broccoli and some fatty meat for my protein along with salt of course. Sometimes an avocado with scrambled eggs and melted butter to get fat up. Or 150g pork shoulder Cooked in sour cream sauce with herbs served with a tomato and onions. these are just examples… I like cooking so it’s not an issue.Sometimes I can go for longer periods like the other day I ate baked sausage and I ate some lard with it and I only started getting the feeling after about 5 hours. It’s strange because to me it’s not like I feel it in my stomach it’s a kind of anxiety panic feeling and I become edgy the only thing which seems to resolve it is to eat. I’ve been overweight most of my life (now I’m not) but I wondered if this was some kind of pre diabetes/insulin resistance situation. I’m 37

(Rob Grantham) #15

I’m 75 kilos and yes I’m fairly lean. Not much in the way of body fat although I would guess I’m probably at 15% bf. Does this make a difference? I thought the body even with small fat reserve’s still had access to lots of energy?

(Rob Grantham) #16

@Chipmunk yeah I thought the same I know it’s not an issue of not getting enough fat because I’m literally eating butter on everything with cream in my drinks, fatty meats and raw milk cheese. I once overdid it a bit with the fat and I just felt I’ll and sluggish. Could it be that my body is not yet the fat burning machine or imagined ? I’ve been overweight most of my life so my metabolism is probably screwed

(Heather Meyer) #17

I found i didnt really get appetite decrease per se. However i noticed after a few days of forcing myself into intermittent fasting… i could now easily go several hours without. Dr Fung says its mostly behavioral conditioning. We will get hungry and expect food around the same times every day like clockwork and when you abstain at first the body freaks out cause its wondering why your “starving it” but then as you break the pattern and eat and fast at different times…your body gets confused and doesnt get hungry at the time it always used to.

(Joanna Parszyk ) #18

I think that you do not risk much by giving it a chance for a bit more time, maybe another month?
Also it is a different story when you are lean. Trust me and guess how l know it :wink:

(Joanna Parszyk ) #19

Excellent observation!
It is also a matter of breaking the habits! I remember from ImpulsiveKeto Podcast it takes 30 times to break a cycle.
So we stop snacking and try to create a new habit of not eating very often. As with everything it takes time but should work.
It is important to say that keto works different for everyone so pick and choose what works for you but try to apply the knowledge form the gurus, forum and your own judgment.

(Rob Grantham) #20

@Chipmunk yeah there’s no way I’m quitting at this point. Looking at old pictures the other day I realised for the first time I’ve been fat pretty much my whole life. Yeah the conditioned eating combined with emotional eating reinforced by family, culture it’s a strong pattern to break free from. I’ve done fasting before I used to go if every day 16 hours. But now for some reason it’s tougher… maybe because I have less body fat