Need help

(Coco Jumbo) #1

hi every one , i don’t have a gall bladder 3 years ago
i need to go keto but iam afraid because of having no gall bladder and for now i can’t get bile supplements
my question is:
can i go keto without bile supplements?

(Doug) #2

Hi Coco. No gall bladder here for 2 years, and no problem with keto.

(Coco Jumbo) #3

without bile supplements?

(Doug) #4

Yes, I’ve never taken anything for it, and have never had any problems, keto or not.

(Coco Jumbo) #5

thanks doug for fast reply wishing u the best

(Linda Culbreth) #6

No gallbladder for about 20 years. Never any supplements for that. No problems doing Keto (70-80% fat), IF, or EF.