Need help.. :( running out of things to try


nopes… no intolerances that i know of yet… juss super fixated on getting into a good keto mode… i do plan to increase the foods im having… As for carbs… my daily carb intake ranges from 6 grams to 16 grams depending on if it’s my cheat day… i’m 100 % sure i’m not overdoing carbs… i am however more worried about protein… maybe i’m converting too much of it into sugar? @blood sugar

(Allie) #6

I very much doubt you’re over doing protein with your main source being just eggs. As I said before, ease up on yourself :slight_smile: You have to allow your body time to adapt, no need to chase numbers.

(Karen Fricke) #7

Maybe not enough calories. Eat more fat so your body knows you’re not starving, then it will burn more calories. I know that’s not what we’ve been taught our whole lives, but what we were taught was wrong

(Mike W.) #8

Start with a 24oz ribeye including all the fat and go from there.

(Jeff Davis) #9

Have some bacon with those eggs!

(Ken) #10

Hey @ash777, you mentioned stevia in your food list, have you considered eliminating all artificial sweeteners for a while (at least a couple weeks) to see if that helps. I know that they cause me to stall - especially stevia. Different people respond differently to artificial sweeteners, I’m just suggesting it could be a possible source of the stall. It sounds like a good chance for an n=1 experiment.

More importantly, KCKO! Have a great one…

(Bunny) #11



Also FOODS RICH IN METHIONINE (your body converts this {biosynthesis} to CHOLINE)

Great write up by Dr. Jason Fung
Study about high fat diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Fasting is the quickest, most effective way to get into a state of ketosis. Doing a water fast for 3-5 days should result in high ketone levels. Then as you start eating you can monitor how ketone levels decline and adjust your diet accordingly. Many folks who are severely metabolically deranged find that they need to fast in order to fix their issues.

(Richard Hanson) #13

Good Morning Ash,

My doctor prescribed a ketogenic diet.

Net Carb < 20 g/day
Protein < 50 g/day
Total energy < 1000 kcal/day

I was also told to try some intermittent fasting and extended fasting.

There is a lot of contention over how much protein is appropriate without there being a definitive “correct” answer but my prescription specified 0.8 g/day per kg of lean body mass which works out to about 53 g/day. I think you are likely eating more protein and you are also eating about 50% more total calories. This might be fine, or it might not.

I think the advice to try fasting is great. Personally, I think the advice to eat more food is not good, rather I would eat less. If you are eating low carb, then when the body has fully utilized the exogenous source of energy, calories from food, it then is forced to utilize endogenous energy, first sugar stores and then fat stores. At the extreme, fasting, the body is getting all of its energy from endogenous sources and you can be quite certain that you are not eating anything that is forcing you out of a state of ketosis as you are eating nothing. If you look at eating as a smooth spectrum of consumption from 0 kcal/day (fasting), to perhaps 8000 kcal/day, gorging, then I think the closer you are to the 0 kcal/day the more likely you are to be in nutritional ketosis. The idea that eating more is going to help, when we know that eating nothing is going to force one into ketosis, leads one to to think the relationship between energy consumption and nutritional ketosis is complex with inflection points. At certain points on the continuum as you eat more the state of ketosis declines but at other datum the opposite happens, as you eat more then ketosis increases. I think this situation is rather unlikely and would require some dramatic metabolic mechanism but I would be fascinated if there was any clinical science to show otherwise.

A few specifics suggestions:

I don’t eat a lot of chicken. I pick higher fat meets like bacon and steak. Don’t bother with lean protein.
At most I eat 3 eggs in a day.
Try adding a day of fasting each week or at least one day with only one meal.
Reduce total energy intake.
Keep an eye on protein intake.

Now … how about a big Awesome! Wow … It sounds like you are just doing fantastic! All that is needed is persistence, experimentation, and determination!

Keto for Life,

Best Regards,

(Bunny) #14

Niacin might help your body utilize energy better, not sure if this is related to your concerns!


Firstly guys, ty very… very much for your time and replies… truly heart warming to see the responses… really do appreciate it… Update : got the gluco strips … and for the first time… glucose was in 70s. . 77 to be exact. next day’s weight… after feasting was 76.5 kg… thas also sort of a first … atleast since i got on the keto diet, was previously (2 months or so) been bouncing between 77 and 79 kg.

So prolly gonna try one 36 and 55 hour fast per week for starters


ty… will definately ease up… now atleast i have a plan of action lol


keto cal says i need approx 1400 cals… so i basically have least that much… other than cheat days which are higher.


@Ken_Breeden i got 3 bottles of 200 ml stevia when i started keto … barely used a quarter of the first bottle lol… but yes… will try having cream without stevia for a month… tyty


@atomicspacebunny ty for the share… fatty liver was my driving factor for the search that landed me at keto


yup… thas me right there lol… and yes… trying to incorporate fasting into weekly routine now


i did start with around 1100 cals in the beginning… that turned starvation mode on for me… between 1300-1500 seems to be my sweet spot. yes… gonna try increasing protein a bit.

ty very much bro. much appreciated encouragement.

(Naomi Brewster) #22

You’re doing great and there’s lots of great advice already here. Also remember that ketones are converted in the liver so if the liver is struggling it’s going to take a little while to heal that before the ketones come easily. Eat to support your liver - green leafy veggies (the more bitter the better) are probably the best place to start. Digestive Greens are great too. And make sure you’re going to the loo for number twos every day to eliminate the toxins being released from the liver rather than just recirculating it in the body. (TMI probably lol). Good luck, sounds like you’re off to a great start. KCKO.

(Ross) #24

Thas about a 1290 cal total

As others have alluded to, looks like you’re not eating near enough.

Remember, if you go into caloric restriction while not in a keto adapted state, your metabolism will slow down.

Also remember, according to the hormonal model, eating a bunch of extra fat calories in a ketogenic diet does not result in an increase in body fat.

I’m not even that clear that being in caloric deficit is even necessary for weight loss on a ketogenic diet.

(Dana Worell Ingold) #25

If you don’t already have a Pinterest account, sign up. I’ve found so many helpful keto recipes on there! Meal prepping also helps! I could eat eggs and bacon every morning and taco meat every lunch/dinner, but there are so many other great keto recipes out there like keto bagels and pizza etc! I don’t know about you, but I’m trying to make this a new healthy lifestyle. I don’t want to lose weight, just to gain it all back and then some. If you don’t add more variety into your meals, you will eventually fail. Google keto recipes and meal plans for more ideas. And definitely try to meal prep for easy access to keto foods. Good luck!