Need Advice:OMAD

(Shromona Das) #1

This is a request to everyone who has been doing OMAD for a long time and are losing weight.
I eat one meal, which is a fulfilling lunch, but often feel hungry. If I eat a cube of cheese or 10 almonds, or a cup of chicken broth, would that be considered as a separate meal? Do you not snack at all?
Is it possible to lose weight with OMAD?

(Allan L) #2

If you feel hungry then you are not eating enough.

Are you fat adapted, how long have you been doing keto, how much excess body fat do you have available for energy?

OMAD for me is the best way to control insulin levels and also snacking. If I know I can only eat once a day then I don’t snack. But the winner here is I really eat lots at that one meal. And I mean lots. Till I can’t fit another bite in my mouth. Then I am full till the next feed in 23 hours.

If you find that you are hungry prior to your next meal then you did not eat enough.

When you get hungry, true hunger, your body is telling you it needs fuel. If you restrict this fuel then your body will dial down your metabolic rate and slow energy use. Then you will not lose weight, obviously.

Feast when you feed, fast when you fast.

(Rob) #3

Eating anything between meals should be considered as another meal. You’re better off eating all that food together in one sitting. Each time you eat your body will produce Insulin which is what you want to avoid. When you first start Keto, if you previously snacked, you will probably continue to and provided you do so with foods which are in line with keeping your macros in the right proportions that I would consider that as an acceptable short term crutch. Eventually, once you are fat adapted you’ll feel less of a need to reach for snacks and should be able to go the distance without snacking. It is absolutely possible to lose weight with OMAD.

(Shromona Das) #4

Thanks so much…I’m on the ninth month of my keto journey. The problem is that I can’t eat much at a go. And recently, my dairy consumption has been restricted. So the go to fat sources such as cream, cream cheese, cheese, butter, heavy whipping cream,ghee etc have been cancelled from my diet altogether for the time being.

I’m aware of the benefits of OMAD, especially about insulin resistance and I guess that’s why I keep telling myself not to eat. In nine months I’ve come down from 67 KGS to 46 kg. I still have a belly, a huge pair of thighs and hips left, and I’ve been down to 42 KGS before (then I deviated from keto for a while during Christmas and now having a really hard time coming back). I felt great when I was down to 43-42. But I’m not rushing it. It’ll happen with time.

But I think if I’m really hungry I should eat. Thanks. Maybe I should do 18:6 now or 20:4 in stead of forcing myself to do OMAD. Maybe it’ll come with time.

(Allan L) #5

I agree, If you are truly hungry then you should eat, or your body will compensate and reduce metabolic rate and you will not lose weight. So a 18:6 or 20:4 would be better than OMAD and hunger.

I also find myself at that point where I have 5-10 kgs left to lose but find it will no longer move with diet alone so have introduced exercise and find it has helped. But it has increased my appetite a little, so I have a feast day once a week where I eat twice.

(Allie) #6

@Bibi how tall are you? 46kgs is a very low weight…

(Karen) #7

What about a fat like HWC,or butter outside of OMAD. Would that negate benefits??


(Lonnie Hedley) #8

I saw this asked on another of her threads and didn’t see an answer.

(Shromona Das) #9

I’m a little over 5’1

(Shromona Das) #10

I’m very petite

(Shromona Das) #11

Oh my lord! I just took my height measurement (thrice) and turns out, I’m 5’2.5

But yeah, still petite.

I’m 23, 5’2.5, my midbelly is 26 and my real potbelly is 29. Though it’s sometimes 27-26.5. I currently weight 46 KGS.

But I do have tires of fat around my belly, hips and thighs.

(Shromona Das) #12


(Shromona Das) #13

My belly is my biggest concern

(Tim W) #14

My understanding is that fat does not impact our insulin SO, having HWC/Butter/MCT oil may not negate the benefit of OMAD, namely, lower insulin for long periods of time.

Another good thing about fat coffee/MCT oil etc is if you need to get a lot of calories in over the course of a day but don’t want to gorge for your OMAD. Let’s say it’s a heavy day of physical labor and you need some extra energy, the added fat might help get that energy without having to overeat for your one meal.


As other stated, if you are hungry after your OMAD, you are not eating enough or enough fat.

If you snack etc. who cares if that “violates” the OMAD ideas. Don’t be so rigid that you lose focus of the desired outcome, which in your case is _____________________???

I’ve used IF/OMAD for several years, sometimes I only eat one meal, sometimes I only eat within a 3 hour period, a large meal followed by a snack, it all “works”. The body takes time to adapt and change, going from OMAD to a 4 hour eating window will probably have a minimal impact on most folks.

Good luck!

(Shromona Das) #15

I didn’t have this problem till last week when I could do HWC, butter, Cheese, etc but since I’ve been advised by my physician to give up dairy for a month or two to see how that affects my various allergic conditions, I’m having a hard time finding good day sources.

I live in a small Indian village, and we don’t get avocados, lard, pork, beef, or MCT oil here. I can only use CO and olive oil as my fat sources now.

God I miss paneer!!!

(Shromona Das) #16


… Good fat sources, of course, not good day sources. Cellphone prediction.

(Teresa (turtle)) #17

Do you have access to clarified butter (ghee)? Many people find that ghee is not bothersome to any allergy.

(Shromona Das) #18

Strangely, I’m particularly intolerant to ghee. I wasn’t so six months ago. I would have a spoon full with a little erythritol at times, I would make Indian versions of keto sweets (halwa, barfi, etc) with ghee. Now, if there’s even a drop in a dish, I’ll end up vomiting and bloated. It’s terrible. Half my favourite curries call for ghee in the recipes, and I can have them no more.

(TJ Borden) #19

So a couple things.

First, as others have said, if you’re hungry you should eat.

Second, if you eat OMAD every day, you can reach a homeostasis (one of my larger words since I’m not great at the technical terms). It’s important to mix up the routine. Check out the podcast with Megan Ramos.

I generally stick to a 4 hour eating window durning the week, and then pretty much just eat through the day on the weekends. Durning the week, I just do dinner.

I keep macadamia nuts and beef/pepperoni sticks in my truck just in case. As I was driving this morning I started getting hungry, so I had some nuts and some beef sticks, then I had an early dinner, so I still kept about an 8 hour window, but I didn’t try to force though the hunger just for the sake of an arbitrary time frame.

(Retta Stephenson) #20


I enjoy watching this guys youtube channel of Keto recipes. Here is his recipe for Cheesy Paneer:

Here is his channel of recipes in a collection (he has a couple of other paneer recipes somewhere in this collection):