My daughter and I are both doing Keto. She is not losing weight. Please help


(Rebecca ) #41

Me, too! I never thought I would reach that point in my life…I have always let that stupid thing dictate my life! Body re-composition without much change in weight is very possible


I wondered the same thing.

Sneaky carbs are the worst. One of the things I took away from advice here very early on is to never trust the nutrition information on packaged food.

And serving sizes are usually ridiculous too. :wink:


I’d recommend dumping the 16/8 and the snacking, for 3 real meals. Also, her metabolism might just be total trash. May be worth having it tested. I lost my first 100lbs on keto without tracking anything while lifting weights, getting stronger and then stuff started grinding to a halt. Couldn’t fix it no matter what I did. Started tracking macros and what I was eating was much more than I though it was, then had my metabolism tested and my RMR was only 1700! Pretty active, gym 5-6 days a week and metabolism was crap! I put the blame on lots of fasting and eating to satiety. I obviously wasn’t eating enough for what I was doing and my RMR responded by becoming “efficient” aka slow. From that point I adjusted stuff and now I’m loosing again but for many it’s not as simple as dumping the carbs and upping the fat. For a while it was enough for me but no longer. The RMR test is pretty cheap and being a nurse she could probably finagle that one at work.

(Marianne) #44

I used to feel the same way. Now, if/when we have chicken breast, I serve them with a decadent sauce - alfredo, cheese sauce or lemon butter. Ridiculously good! :grin: I do like the taste and texture of chicken breast. Now I just treat them as a conduit for supplemental fat - kind of like how I feel about vegetables!

(Marianne) #45

Yes; it runs in families - I think especially the women.

(Kirk Wolak) #46

Once something goes into a package, you MUST be careful.
I found MSG and Potato Starch added… Sometimes, they will sweeten something packaged to make it tastier…

Some of the frozen veggies I liked had a sauce… OMG the stuff the added to that sauce!
And if it was Chicken Salad, pre-packaged… Sugar can easily be added. In fact, Cole-slaw would be great if so many people did not add sugar.

(Ellen ) #47

Thanks Kirk. I agree. She is taking everyone’s advice and starting over. Her food at work is now egg salad. Tracking is a great tool that we’ve both learned from all this.


Oh I know. I buy simple ingredients since several years but there are rare exceptions. My family just can’t make delicious pickles. Pickles have added sugar (I found one without added sugar or sweetener once! but never again) but very little, I can live with it, I rarely eat them anyway (but I love them so much). My mustard is fine, no added sugar (my homemade mustard isn’t quite right for some purposes).
Frozen veggies with a sauce? I never saw such a thing here, frozen veggies are veggies only. Except pureed spinach, it’s not easy to see if it has added sugar and other things if we just glance at the package. So I take my time to read what it is.
So not much added sugar finds its way into my life surreptitiously.
Alas, pickled vegetables are problematic. I like them and can’t make them. Companies just love using nasty tasting sweeteners (galore! it’s totally inedible but I don’t want cheap sweeteners anyway especially if the food item doesn’t need it) and sugar too (just like in fruit juices but that doesn’t concern me). Oh well, one can live without such things and if I search, I still find something okay. But it’s really annoying sometimes.

(Kirk Wolak) #49

Pickling is age-old… It should be something you can do.

I’ve made my own Dill Pickles, I’ve used White and ACV…

Unfortunately, I don’t tolerate vegetables, and have gone full carnivore!

But Pickling is easy. And research “Quick Pickling” where you cook in the acid, to quickly breakdown and flavor… This lets you play with “Pure Vinegar”, and then the taste differences as you add Dill and other ingredients…

I also found that buying the small “pickling cukes” to be pretty expensive. They are also nightshades… So if you react, Skin them, seed them to help!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #50

Have you tried making sauerkraut rather than vinegar pickles? I’ve loved tangy pickled veg since I was tiny, and these days I go down the fermentation route - minimal ingredients (cabbage + salt + time = kraut) and very little effort.

I thinly slice a whole white cabbage, massage it for 10 minutes with some coarse sea salt until enough liquid comes out to cover it, then I pack it tightly into a lidded jar and leave it for a week. I reuse the liquor each time - it’s like rocket fuel to get the next batch started!

It’s delicious! Very tart, tangy and crunchy. @David_Stilley is a krautionado too - he might have some tips!


I admit I very rarely tried to make pickled vegetables, I got disappointed quickly and I get some pickled vegetables from a relative just not all are good and my favorite (cucumber) isn’t to my liking… And she didn’t make pure sauerkraut just mixed vegetables.
This sauerkraut sounds easy, I will try that! I didn’t know it can be made that quickly but I look it up and indeed, people who do it in small amounts get results this soon! Good news, I can buy very great local cabbages now, our village has history regarding cabbages. Thanks!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #52

Yay, have fun giving it a try! It’s addictive (both the making of it and the eating of it) - enjoy! :leafy_green:


I make refrigerator pickles - super easy and no sugar.

A batch is 2 c water, 1 c ACV, 1/4 c salt. Dissolve the salt in the liquid in a saucepan on the stove top. Pack jars with garlic, dill, and cukes. Cover with liquid. Let cool. Store in fridge. Ready to eat in 24 hours.

I put 2-3 cloves in a small jar and 4-5 in a large jar. Healthy shake of dried dill (Penzeys) halfway through packing jar and top of jar.

I have used this liquid for green beans, Cukes, squash, radishes, red onions. It’s excellent.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #54

Ooooh I’m going to try this, @BJennif! Thanks for the recipe! :+1:

(Kirk Wolak) #55

Advanced Note, the Keto Connect couple talks about this.
Mayo made with seed oils can be inflammatory. I avoid it. I will make my own or just not use it.

she is making better choices, which is a start. But seed oils can be a problem, and that’s what most mayo is made with!

(Susan) #56

Chosen Foods Avocado Mayonnaise has no seed oils -it is what I use and would suggest =).

(Jack Bennett) #57

Kraft produces “olive oil” mayo and “avocado oil” mayo.

Know what the top ingredient is? Soybean oil. Gotta read those labels.

It’s not what you add, it’s what you subtract.

(Kirk Wolak) #58

Thank you… I will hunt it down!


How is she doing now? Seeing any improvement?

(Susan) #60

I buy mine at Coscto, it is $10 and 1 bottle lasts me for 2 weeks, they are small bottles, but it is nice for me to have, especially since I am dairy free atm.

List of ingredients are:

Avocado Oil, Frozen Egg Yolk, Vinegar, Water, Frozen Whole Egg, Organic Dijon Mustard, Organic Spices, and Salt.