More studies from Stamford confirm low carb or low fat doesn't matter

(Chris) #1

Here is link to an article in a Sydney news paper claiming it is proven it doesn’t matter if you eat low carb or low fat you get the same result!

(Mel Soule) #2

Flexitarianism…LOL gotta love the human imagination. Maybe Flexiketonianism works too. @richard

(Ethan) #3

This has already been posted here at least twice and discussed


I know! It’s incredible, but eating 130 g/ day is not any better for weight loss than LF.
LC and keto would be a different story, but that’s not what they studied.

There’s at least one other thread about this on here if you want to take a look.

(Chris) #5

Apologies did a quick search and didn’t see it

(Rob) #6

Same study, different rag…