More business travel and events than meals at home ... so yeah. Anxiety. Tips?


Any MD or DO can write the note. They do not need to specify what is wrong with you, merely that you need XYZ on the plane for medical reasons

(Keto Travels) #22

Nice travel moment last night at London Heathrow airport - there is now a chain (Leon) there that offers ā€œNaked Chicken Burgersā€ - no bun, and made of chicken THIGH rather than breast. Super delicous as well, and easy to fit into 20g daily carb limit - even easier if you ask them to hold the sauce, but then, that sauce was GOOOOOOOOD! :slight_smile: Hoping that trend spreads

Another nice discovery is a paleo ā€œbreadā€ with only 3,1g Carbs per 100g (eat performance ā€˜chiabattaā€™), I will stock my freezer with that for when I have carbivore guests or am invited anywhere for breakfast - smoked salmon and creamy horseradish on top and you look almost normal :wink:

A little progress at a time on the travel and social eating fronts - now I am also hoping that I might be based in my home office for part of the week between now and Christmas which would mean a much easier time controlling my food and especially fasting. Fingers crossed!

(Keto Travels) #23

What a difference 16 days make - so much more confident with increasing fat adaption of being able to resist inadequate offerings or just skip meals that for my 24 hour trip coming up today the only thing I really felt I needed to take was salt, ingredients for keto aid and some macadamias (my last psychological ā€œcomforterā€). I also had some space for butter an cocoa nibs but those are convenience (donā€™t have to search or ask for extra in hotel or canteen) and total luxury respectively.

(Ruth E Holleran) #24

Near to see your journey through this post. Good ideas here.