Monkfruit- why doesn't anyone talk about this sweetener?

(Jim) #21

Dogfish Head just released a low-carb IPA that uses monk fruit. It’s called Slightly Mighty. I’ve been trying to find it but still no luck.


You can buy dried monk fruit in most Chinese supermarkets, at least here in the UK. It’s usually in a packet of 2-3 fruit and costs around £1.50.

The shop assistant told me to wash the outer shell, then break the whole thing up into small pieces, using the shell as well as the seeds inside. Then you boil it in a small amount of water, about a cup per fruit. Actually I use a small slow cooker for this. This makes a dark brown very sweet liquid/syrup which keeps in the fridge for about a week.

It tastes great in coffee, but not in tea. It’s also good on pancakes etc.

(Bunny) #23

Monkfruit is the best!