Migraine battle won!

(Kirk Wolak) #41

Thanks for the answers… Egg Whites can often cause issues, so I tend for egg yolks…
Although I have tolerated some eggs recently… I think I am starting to heal. I wont push it.

One other thought for you. Have you ever tried Brainwave Entrainment? (Binaural Beats)?
The concept would be to practice getting your brainwaves to a “happy” state before your migraines even start. (Like meditation)…

And then at the VERY beginning of the migraine coming on, put the headphones in, and entrain your breainwaves to the happy state (for some it is Delta, others might be Theta) waves…

And see if that can stave off or suppress the migraine.

I read research years ago, that for some migraines, the brain is getting STUCK in a “pattern” (not quite a seizure, but a “clamping” and repeat).

Also, there is an Electro-Magnetic Cranial device that Dave Asprey (BPC guy) mentioned. If mine lasted days, I would be thinking about finding a local university and working out a deal. I come in, you take pictures/PET scans, etc. And then lets try some relief based on what you see.

Dr. Amian (Brain Scan Guy from TedX) is the other place I’ve been thinking of going to!

Good Luck!

(Anna ) #42

@CaptainKirk I’ve always had a really hard time with meditation, but when I did do it years ago I actually did it with Binaural Beats on my ipod. Never tried it while a migraine was coming on though. Now that I live with 4 dogs in a small two bedroom house, it’s impossible to meditate. There is nowhere to go to not hear the dogs and they always tend to bark when I’m trying to meditate. I’ve given up on any kind of serious meditation.

As for volunteering as a test subject. Yea, I stay away from modern medicine as far as I can. I have stopped going when I went back to school in 2012 to study nutrition and holistic health and realized that all the antibiotics that I have received over many decades for my recurring UTI’s and sinus infections, were actually ruining my gut. For all I know that is the real root of my migraine problem, and it’s been very hard to heal my gut since I can’t seem to tolerate a lot of the healing foods and supplements.

As for magnets, this guy and his work fascinates me, Luis Garcia MD and his Biomagnetism Therapy, although I can’t afford to do any of the cool stuff I read or hear about just to see if it would work. At this point it’s just what I can do myself to help myself, which mostly revolves around diet, supplements and life style change.