(Khara) #26

Ya. I know many people say 18/6. 17/7 is more accurate for me :nerd_face:. It’s intermittent fasting but I sort of think that’s a little bit of a goofy term. As a society, we used to eat in a shorter window and that was just normal. Anyway, it’s just a shorter eating window or time restricted like you already discovered above. Trying to rein back in. It has helped in the past and feels better. You might like the Fasting movie on Amazon.

(traci simpson) #27

Oh cool, I’ll check out that movie~!
Maybe I’ll just give myself 8 hours to eat something and fast the rest.

(Jody) #28

Adding this to my watchlist right now!


Broke at 46 hrs., since the wife already had dinner made when I got home. Now off to till the garden.

(Khara) #30

Hmmm. Low carb cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory. Storing in back of brain for future celebration reference.

(RossanaF) #31

Wow, 68 lbs in 6 months is amazing! Congratulations!

(RossanaF) #32

Thank you!

(Justin ) #33

Hey all, I am 67hrs into a 72 hour water fast. This is my longest fast yet because I have done some 44 before but broke because of social events but I planned this one better. I do OMAD daily and fasting is pretty easy for me just drinking himalayan salt water and one or two black coffee in the morning. I know I can go longer because I feel amazing and energetic but this was my goal so I am going to stick to it and refeed tonight. Keto and IF have been amazing for just over two months. I have lost 24lbs and have about 10 more to go before I start weight training and adjusting my macros. Good luck to everyone fasting and hope you all the best because I appreciate the support and information I have got here. Really excited to being the best shape of my life at 45!

(Virginia ) #34

Thank you :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

(RossanaF) #35

Yep! 570 calories and 11-14 net carbs. Made with Splenda. (if you just scrape it off and don’t eat the crust you can reduce the carbs even more. BTW, BJ’s offers 2 dishes with zucchini noodles now! People are coming around…slowly but getting there.

(Jody) #36

What is BJ’s?

(RossanaF) #37

Ditto! :shushing_face::joy:

(RossanaF) #38

BJ’s restaurants.

(Jody) #39

Must not be in my area

(Mame) #40

Made it through the first day of the month! Still have headache, but currently at 24hours fasted of my planned 42h ADF, getting ready for bed and planning on eating tomorrow.

No idea what my GKI has decreased to… seriously it is taking everything I have to not comfort eat with this headache, even though it would probably just come back up if I did give in! :nauseated_face:

looking forward to an easier tomorrow

(Herb Martin) #41

I was keto before carnivore, starting (this time) since Thanksgiving 2017, losing weight but getting stuck and with some backsliding until early July 2018.

In July I switched to permissive carnivore (anything animal) and maintained that until starting fasting in mid-Feb 2019.

In the last 75 days or so I’ve fasted about 50. (2/3).

All combined, I’ve lost 75 lbs depending on how much water I’m holding, but my fat is down more than that even appears.

As to carnivore, it’s paradoxically easier to maintain than 0-carb.

Fewer choices, no counting carbs, and less cravings with no plans to quit or stop.

Moving on and off a fast to carnivore is also trivial since you always start out carb clean.

My plan is to try “beef-only” for 30 days instead of permissive just to see.

That’s how I started: Someone got me with “I can do anything for 30 days”.

I tried it and never bothered to count the days except to report the results.

(Faith Reynolds) #42

Ive started fasting M. T. TH, F. So M,T down, ate today and back fasting until Sat Morning. I went low carb 3 years ago and lost 50# but nothing since. I’m hoping this will spur the other 35# away!

(Kelly Silverman) #43

Are you getting all your vitamins and trace minerals from the meat as well?

(Carol) #44

Hello May fasters! I’m currently at 33 hours into an undetermined fast length. I usually do a water/tea fast but am trying something new this month. Because I have weak bones (bad to the bone?) I’m going to have collagen/peptides and coconut oil with my coffee in the morning and a cup of bone broth in the evening. I am curious what difference this might make for me. Hopefully, eventually, it will be good for my skeleton. :skull: :slight_smile:

(Herb Martin) #45

Yes, that works just fine. Many carnivores do precisely that and even on nothing but beef.

I went 6 months that way out of curiosity, but also like to do “mega-vitamins” unrelated to ordinary ‘essentials’ so I’ve returned to that regimen much of the time.

There is no issue with scurvy or any other essential lack for anyone (I’ve heard of) on a strict or permissive carnivore diet.