Lowest weight ever in 25 yrs

(Matt) #1

I am down to 237.5lbs with some keto snacks and a can of Zevia in me. I just keep doing what I am doing to pound out the last 7 or so pounds. I am kind of following Keto now, very minimal sugar, but I ride my bicycle every single day and I eat real food, not kids food in a box or with a label. Oh I dabbled plenty in that on my cheat days that lasted for 2 days then 3 days. I laugh now, its real serious though.

Gotta be 1 to 1.5 yrs, on my lazy keto, real food diet with some cheat days and sometimes discipline hahahahahahaha intermittent fasting, oh yes, thats what I am doing right now, modified fasting, very very low calorie, protein of course.

damn man, I never thought it would ever happen.

I stuck with it, how many times I poo’ed my pants, its not even funny with an already weak stomach. How many people can say they pooped their pants sober, yet kept on eating keto knowing full well the cause. Perhaps more studying on my part was needed to avoid that rush, but there was an urgent need to lose weight of non medical importance, family member died of cancer, +covid, scared me being severely obese.

Thanks for your help.

Take care.

(Shawn Patrick Malone) #2

Congrats! That’s great work!

(Marianne) #3

Good for you! I hope you continue.


Congrats on the loss man! That’s a huge loss, you scare the life out of me with “very very low calorie” gotta ask, what exactly are we talking here? Sounds like a metabolic disaster in the making, does that mean low protein as well.

Crapped my pants walking into a Target once… wife didn’t think it was funny. Was a fart gone wrong, and maybe a little too much magnesium? I dunno LOL!