Limp & Flyaway hair

(Sammy Roth) #1

I’ve been on Keto for 6 months and lost around 50lbs. The one thing I noticed is that my hair has become limp and lifeless and full of static.
It’s never been really fluffy, but this is a big change and I’m ready to shave myself bald because it’s so annoying. I’ve taken to spraying StaticGuard in the air and twirling around in the mist but that lasts for a minimal amount of time. I also noticed the back of my head itching recently. (no it’s not head lice). Any ideas???

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #2

Shave your head. All the really hard-core ketoers do it… :sunglasses:


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

I perspire noticeably less, and my skin is a lot less greasy, since I started eating a ketogenic diet. This might possibly explain your hair problem. But even though it started around the time you went keto, it isn’t necessarily keto-related, so you might wish to re-evaluate the hair products you are using. Perhaps you need to change shampoos, or start using a conditioner?

Another option, in addition to shaving your head, might be to put bacon grease on your hair—would definitely prevent static! :grinning: