Lack of motivation


IDK why but I have been feeling so unmotivated lately to do keto properly. I have been doing it for several months now and the weight loss has slowed significantly which is not why I have lost motivation but it’s definitely not helping either.

I am currently 147 and have been for several weekend with my weight fluxing between 147-150.

I am just so tired from school and have so little free time right now that meal prep, cooking, shopping, and getting enough sleep takes place of my personal time and I just can’t sometimes. I would rather forgo eating than waste an hour and a half of my 2-3 hours of free time.

I have been bad. I’ve been eating fast food on my longer days when I’m out of the house from 8:30am till 10pm.

I don’t really know what I expect anyone to say. Just more of venting my exasperation and lack of time. It’s been snowing balling into bad habits but luckily my weights not going up yet.

I’d like to get back on track but IDK where to start and IDK if I’m willing yet, to give up more free time to have more sleep or a better diet.

I feel like I have to pick between physical health or mental health right now.

(John) #2

Yeah, same here lately. There’s only so much time in the day, and with multiple competing priorities it’s hard to put in the time to grocery shop and prepare healthy meals.

What I do is fall back on “safe and quick” - deli meats and cheese, salads, nuts. For fast food I get breadless / bunless options, or just buy some plain McDoubles and pitch the buns.

They are intertwined. Key thing is getting enough sleep. Not rest, as in sedentary activities, but full nights of sleep, chained together into multiple days in a row. That has been my challenge recently.

No great advice, just letting you know you’re not the only one who is in a motivation slump and dealing with time issues.

(Cindy) #3

It can be a catch 22. The more you eat fast food and carbs, the more tired you might feel. But then, sometimes, you just need a break from routine, too, so don’t beat yourself up. Just do the best you can, be kind to yourself.


Yeah. Luckily today is a shorter day. I’m done at 4:30 so I’ll be cooking today. Maybe I can get out of this rut

(Becky) #5

I have the same problem as far as time…i have learned that if i cook a big meal, save it in ziplocs and throw it in the freezer. On crazy nights i just take one out mand heat it up and i am done. Also, i don’t beat myself up if i slip.

(Jay Patten) #6

When I’m on the run I will grab a few prepackaged hard boiled eggs and a packet of mayo, mustard and S&P packets from a gas station and whip up on-the-go egg salad. Sure, the mayo will probably have soybean oil, but when you gotta eat, you gotta eat.

(MooBoom) #7

I’m frequently away from home for weeks at the time for work, and working shifts from 7am - 10pm (I’m a disability respite carer and there are NO BREAKS). I eat when my families eat, and I can’t expect them to cater for my non-standard way of eating so I have to be prepared.

What that looks like:
Deli meats (ham/salami)
Nuts (in moderation)
A tub of low carb veg which I slice and add to meals.

See example meal:

If I get a chance, I’ll cook up a steak or some salmon which is easy and sustaining.

Fasting is another option.

If out, a burger, hold the bun, is super easy from any burger chain.

It’s do-able, if you want to do it :slight_smile:

(Mary) #8

That looks great, @MooBoom! It almost motivates me to become busy again so I can justify eating like that…:smiley:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #9

You aren’t picking. They are tied together. Have you considered you feel crappy because you’re eating junkier food and not the other way around? Life gets tough, I totally understand and agree you shouldn’t beat yourself up but I think you may have more control over the situation than you think.

Pick one thing that is a time suck that you’re currently doing and buy some easy low carb stuff and throw them into baggies and into the fridge. Now all you have to do is open the fridge and grab something and go. I’ve been making a egg/sausage/veg bake and cutting it into squares and throwing them into zip lock bags and eating them cold (out of my purse if I’m on the go).

(Jessica) #10

I’m with you, too. Not so much on time constraints in the day, but at night for sure. I totally crapped out food wise this weekend. I think I needed the mental reset. Anyway, I like easy to grab things like cheese sticks, pepperoni, bacon (I cook it all in the oven and then put it in a baggie), Dukes meat sticks, etc. If I could do burgers, I’d do bunless (I’m allergic to beef). There are definitely times I’m just not into it but I try to do “lazy keto” anyway and buckle down again when I can.


Today is a new day. A long one, but I’ll do my best to get back on track. Yesterday I ate keto again and man my stomach was not happy with me. I think I had bad chicken or something XD. I’ll take it as my punishment for being a cheater haha.