Konfusing Keto


I was just speaking with my Wife about how confused some folks seem to be or get when it comes to Keto. :confused: Something I actually found to be quite simplistic back when I first looked into it myself just over 18 months ago. … But when you think about it, it’s really not all their fault. Nowadays you hear all kinds of craziness from folks speaking about Keto on TV, Radio, On-Line, etc. (And a lot of it is very misinformed, or simply ‘their opinion’, which makes things worst for someone looking for simply good information on the subject) - Not to mention all those great companies out there trying to cash in with the next latest and greatest ‘Keto’ available products they will gladly sell to them. :unamused:

Hell, just doing a simply Google search… “Define the Keto Diet” and look what all comes up…

Instead of getting simple/basic information back as to your request, you get all sorts of crazy offers for ‘personalized Diet Plans’, ‘Expert Recommended top Brand supplements for Beginners’, etc., etc. And of course, all those famous well known selling attractants, such as ‘Free Shipping’ or ‘Limited Time left’. … And I still don’t get the statement (“Over 40?” Try Keto today) - Guess some even think Keto is Age Restricted/Required? :laughing:

Just a couple weeks ago the Wife was speaking on the phone with someone she knows and they were mentioning some new ‘Keto’ product they saw somewhere, and wanted to know if it was something that would help them, or needed, with doing Keto? :roll_eyes: … I simply conveyed my honest opinion and told them that I personally wouldn’t think about buying any products that used the word ‘Keto’ in their brand name. That more then likely, it’s simply another means of using the Keto Craze to sell products. But instead I simply suggested eating whole foods, keep carbs under 20g a day to start, and try to stay away from any junk foods, fast foods, processed foods, etc. … It’s how I started and try to be still. :slight_smile:

Just rambling I guess… :crazy_face:

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #2

Anything to make a buck!

(Robert C) #3

Yes, “buy fresh whole foods that almost all need refrigeration” isn’t a money making message on the internet. (Same with fasting - who’s going to make money simply saying “don’t eat”?)

Long shelf life, cheap refined ingredients, “net carbs” or “your body can’t digest the calories out of this snack” games and supplements that say they do the work for you are the things that make money on line.

What people really should be looking for on line is a general keto book from a reputable source that can be followed for a while until they get the hang of it.


Exactly to both… :+1:

I’m just tired of hearing and seeing references to either “Keto”, “Low Carb”, “Net Carb”, etc. Especially that last one (Net) - I think a lot of folks are getting fooled by these add-on wordings onto products that never had them before. But with more folks looking at labels these days, I think it just helps them lean toward purchasing products they might normally avoid. But I guess if it sounds good, it must be. :confused:

As it’s well known you can still make some Keto-Friendlier stuff, like certain breads, cookies, cakes, etc., but you still can’t have them on a regular or daily basis. (Which some learn quite quickly) But at least I can say you do know what’s in them if you make them yourself. It’s the hidden stuff and straight out lies that gets me. … So yep, recipes, cook books, and do it yourself meals are always best. :slight_smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

JERF: Just Eat Real Food!

(Polly) #6


Just eat real food

That is the big one! I can only give it one “like” but it deserves 100.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #7

I just tell people “meat and vegetables.” It is that simple.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #8

I think we’ve been well trained that nutrition is complicated. And that unlike all other living things on the planet, humans alone need a degree to know how to eat properly. So if you are changing everything you know about nutrition on it’s head, you clearly will need professional advice.

Not to knock keto nutritionists. If someone is sick enough it is reasonable to think some help would not be untoward. But for many of us the guidance of a friend who’s been there before (a la 2KD) is just the right kind of help.

Maybe it is hard to accept that.

(Liz Ellen) #9

My friend is thinking about trying keto and has been reading books and getting all whipped up. That’s what I told her: Eggs and bacon for breakfast; cobb salad for lunch; meat and veggies for dinner. Soon, you’ll be able to drop one or more meals.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #10

One could add the cheese, nuts and berry thing but I think that is where people get confused. Once my kitchen remodel is done I am going to do a keto reboot. For me that means only meat and vegetables for a while.

(Scott) #11

I do the meat and limited veggies. I don’t do any fruit at all.

My favorite new ad is for “GoLow”. A revolutionary way to lose weight. I can wait until people enroll only to find out that all you need to do is stop eating carbs.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #12

That’s hilarious. They start out saying how much money dieters spend on products, then they introduce their product. I guess there really is one born every minute.


But you didn’t request simple/basic information… you used GOOGLE! Google isn’t a search engine, it’s an index run by an advertising company, that’s google’s actual business, not being a search engine. That’s a side effect


Exactly, but unfortunately Google is most folks ‘go to’ when they research stuff these days. Which is there first mistake I agree, since you will get so many different opinions/answers back. - That’s why this place is so nice. … Yes, we do get new folks here all the time that start asking the same questions that we’ve heard loads of times and it would be nice if they used the search function first, since they would probably find the answers they wanted. But if they do choose to just ask, there are many good folks here that will be glad to assist where they can. And yes, they may still get some differences of opinion, but at least they won’t be flooded with sales pitches for things they don’t need to switch over to Keto.


Ahem, … Kraze. Please. Obviously.

The ketogenic diet is simple. The 2KetoDudes cover it in a few sentences each podcast.

Like politics, the environment, productive work, education, etc the complexity ensues when it is monetised. The problems arise, not when bean eaters get involved, but when the bean counters arrive (shallow, and not very heartfelt, apology to all career economists and accountants reading this).

What you’re describing, as I read it (n=1), in your excellent post (well written by the way) is the obfuscation of marketing. The false claims and glitter on poo selling techniques that we can’t easily dismiss because somewhere a psychologist has worked out primitive, instinctive food related behaviour and manipulated it, at the behest of a mutant hive mind called a processed food company (as one example).

Our instinctive food seeking, finding and remembering biochemistry, mixed with a constant novelty seeking urge, has been weaponized and pointed back at us.

When any fad diet crawls from the swamp to proclaim trend leadership, the business execs, bean counters, and false faced celebrities come swarming and proclaiming, and a great swirling , disorientating flood of misinformation, it’s proponents climbing over each other grasping and gasping so as not to sink below the limbus, covers a once beautiful civilisation in the silt and sediment of accumulated mistruth and recipe books.


:laughing: :+1:

(Susan) #17

Following the Keto lifestyle for me is life saving and invigorating and it is the first time in my life where I have been losing weight and not been on a diet. Sure, at the very beginning it felt like it was a diet, but as soon as my body got over the carb and sugar withdrawal, and I was fat adapted, it soon became so easy and so clear to me that this was a way of life, and was awesome =).