Here’s the points I cover with “Charismatic Vegans” when they try to push their Faith-Based, unscientific Religious Morality on me.
Mankind, and especially our Species, evolved on Meat and Fat. We were/are clearly evolving towards Obligate Carnivory. This is evidenced by our inability to make B-12, at least at a point in our digestive system where it can be absorbed. Our ability to not only survive, but thrive on an animal based diet, with technically no requirement for ingesting plants at all. So, Veganism is a denial of not only Evolution, but Digestive Biochemistry as well.
Veganism/Vegetarianism is not “Green” or beneficial to the Planet. It takes far more resources to produce 1000 calories of energy from plant foods than animal foods. The sheer amount energy for both production as well as transportation per calorie of plant food far outstrips that required for meat and fat. That plus the belief Man’s minor contribution to atmospheric CO2 causes Climate purely a religious belief, as the concept was decisively rebutted since 2005, when the Dansgaard-Oeschegger Cycle was identified as the primary driver of Climate Change, all from the Greenland Ice Core Project(GRIP) and has been confirmed by an additional 60 scientific studies since.
I then point out that what they actually are is Religious, since their beliefs are based on Faith, not Science, and their infliction of their religious Subjective Morality on others is no different than any other religious fundamentalist.
By this time they usually set their hair on fire and start running around in circles screaming. They usually have a typical religious reaction because their faith based morality is challenged. They always fall back on Denial, Dismissal, and Demonization rather than any type of intellectual Rebuttal or Refutation. I of course point out that this is merely a Religious Reaction, and they cannot expect for a rational person to take them seriously.
Occasionally this results in an Epiphany.