Kind of Exhausted

(KM) #1

This will be my third year of a straight ketovore diet, with about 10 years on and off. A few months ago I added iodine and D / K to my diet, as well as an antioxidant in the form of N-acetyl L-carnosine, and both seemed useful in bringing me back to normal - “normal” meaning some hair growth and general sense of … well … youth? Energy / strength. (I’m 62, female, 10 years past menopause, and of a healthy weight for my height).

Lately I’ve been feeling stuck, and just exhausted, and I look it, too. There are some situational stress factors here, and I suppose it could be a seasonal lack of sunshine and exercise, but has anyone else on a long term keto/carni diet started to feel like it doesn’t work for their mental health or energy after a while? I also have a taste / sensation in my mouth, like I’ve just chewed on a grapefruit rind. Does anyone have experience with these supplements and whether they can help or harm a sense of well being?

(Robin) #2

Gosh, none of this rings a bell for me. Hope you find some answers.

(Joey) #3

@kib1 Wish I had some useful suggestions, but I’m afraid I don’t either. Needless to say, you’ll want to get some bloodwork done - and draw well informed conclusions (sometimes easier said than done given our dietary habits).

Wishing you the best - please us posted on progress. :vulcan_salute:

(B Creighton) #4

Dr Paul Saladino quit carnivore, and now includes seasonal fruits, and a few other things.
I will never do carnivore. I do keto or close thereto in the winter going on 4 years now, and low carb the rest of the year. I focus on vegetables and fruits high in soluble fiber like cruciferous vegetables, asparagus, berries, and red grapefruit. The soluble fiber is great for my gut health, and getting turned into short chain triglycerides helps power my digestion. Of course fiber does not count towards my carb limits. These vegetables are not going to be poisoned with glyphosate like the grains seed oils in the SAD. They are also quite low in oxalates, phytates, lectins, and the other anti-nutrients most carnis rave about…Maybe you should consider introducing some to see how it makes you feel. I feel very good, and all my health markers are awesome at present. My blood pressure recently tested at 98/72. I don’t think it was that low in high school… Maybe when I was born… I generally sleep till the sun comes up, and start the day with good energy. Nope. No coffee. I get my morning fix from MCTs in my goat yogurt or A2 grass-fed cow yogurt. Becomes straight ketones. The only sugar is from a hand full of berries in my yogurt, and maybe some from my stevia sweetened lemonade. In my low carb phase I do eat more sugar in the form of organic raisins, a banana and some whole wheat bread - usually Dave’s these days. That gets me off on the right foot for my day generally needing no lunch.

(Tracy) #5

Sounds like you need a change, whether that is a situational change, a diet change or a habit change I don’t know.


NAC can bring strange taste to mouth, according to what I have read.

I started NAC a couple of weeks ago, nothing to report yet… except the occasional rotten egg smell when I pee lol… NAC is sulphur based.

Other than that , I have no ideas. Good luck!