Perhaps a bit back closer to the topic of the thread… kidney stones…
I started keto after a bad accident, very badly broken leg that wouldn’t heal. I had been a vegetarian for a long time and had “doubled down” on being a vegan before that and was trying so hard to listen to the doctors, supposed experts, to “do it right”. I did not find good health there.
From that context, and at the horror of those around me who thought I was about to kill myself, I went keto. It was a significant shock to me just going keto, and I had the typical stuff… diarrhea, electrolyte stuff, hunger and not being hungry, fasting, how many meals, macros… all of that happy stuff. It worked itself out.
But one of the things I did that may have contributed to my one and only kidney stone, I became a big consumer of almond flour. I was attempting to replace regular flour. And I baked a LOT. I made a LOT of keto desserts. Almond flour was a big thing for me, at least for a while. It was not long after that when the kidney stone showed up.
For whatever reasons, I have made a lot of changes since then, most of which haven’t been nearly as purposeful as might be imagined. I got away from using almond flour. I still use a little on occasion but nor much. What used to last a week now lasts 6 months or more. I just don’t use much of it. I’ve gotten away from keto desserts. I’ll make one on occasion but for the most part, I don’t feel like I need dessert. I had tried making just about every kind of keto bread you can imagine, hated most of them. (I was a pretty accomplished baker before keto so my standards were probably higher for what I’d consider “good”.) I got away from that, don’t really even want bread anymore. And most of all, I’ve gotten way more animal based in my eating. When I first went keto, I was very heavily plant based, including things like almond flour, beet greens, and spinach. (Oxalates anyone??!!)
It wasn’t even all that conscious of a thing. It was more just my natural inclination over time. I’m not a carnivore, probably never will be. But I have noted on numerous occasions that I function best in that end of the eating spectrum and when it’s critical that I perform well (I’m a jazz piano player), I eat very strict carnivore before hand.
Did the almond flour and heavy oxalates in the greens I was eating early on contribute to my kidney stone? Might have. Those are things I’ve thought about since. Honestly, I’ve not been all that worried about a repeat. It’s been close to a decade.