Ketonix Breath analyzer Help - Keto Level Comparisons

(andreas) #62

Hey Everyone,

Bit of a newbie so I apologize for the question,

Just got the new Bluetooth Ketonix, the unit is working fine and i am getting consistent readings. But how do i understand the readings?

it has that Metre going from blue,green,yellow,red starting from 0-100
Now im getting reading of 4.8.
Also why is there a zoom function?

So i am looking for charts to see what state i am in and etc. and it seems really confusing because some charts use numbers from like 1-100 and others use 0.0 - 10

If anybody has any guidance or a quick breakdown for me id really appreciate it.



(Doni Ka) #63

HI, I am really confused by your results. I don’t see any correlation among the different methods of measurement. Can you clarify?

(andreas) #64

Hi Doni,

i guess i don’t really have any results yet, just trying to understand what 4.8 on the graph when blowing into the ketonix breath analyzer means.

is that a low number ? or a high humber? some charts 4.8 is very high, but on the ketonix graph it goes all the way to 100 so the number seems very low.


(Karen Fricke) #65

The old version of ketonix used a 0-100 scale, there is a chart that converts to ppm. On that scale over 40 is nutritional ketosis. The newer ones measure in ppm, on that scale 4 is plenty high.

(andreas) #66


that is what is confusing me, i have the new bluetooth one, and on the graph(in the app on the phone) it goes from 0-100, but it shows 0-4 blue
4-30 green, 30-80 yellow 80-100 red,

it seems 4 is super low,

It does say in the picture, PPM

so i am really confused


(Karen Fricke) #67

I have the old one so haven’t seen the phone app, check the settings and make sure it’s set for the right one. Have you tried it on a laptop or desktop computer?

(Thomas Clark) #68

I have a red model I bought earlier this year… I have not tried it on a mobile device yet but it’s been on mind… part of getting consistent results is learning how to breath the way the way device works best and then consistently repeating that each time. I had to practice for a while to get consistantcy. Keep in mind the point

(Jim Russell) #69

4 ppm is the beginning of nutritional ketosis. The highest I have measured has been 21 ppm. I’m usually between 5 and 12 or so.

I think the zoom function is to prevent exactly that feeling, that 4 is super low. 4 is fine. I think that more is better, but only up to a point. I have also heard people say that as your muscles learn to burn fat better (fat adaptation), you do not need to burn as much ketones, so your ketonix reading might be lower.

(Thomas Clark) #70

I know it is a natural inclination to want high ketones levels but I doubt it matters much where you are in the nutritionally range as long as you are in Ketosis. You could have lots of ketones in your blood, breath or urine but that does not really tell you what you are burning at that moment, it just tells you that your body was recently producing them. How you feel and perform is probably a better indicator of moment to moment Ketosis. All that being said knowing that your Keto adapter with some certainty is important as well. The best way to know that is to test your blood sugar especially in the morning when you wake up.

(Jim Russell) #71

Oh, absolutely. I think that to a large extent, once you’re in ketosis, the numbers don’t matter much. I’m just a numbers and gadgets geek, so I enjoy testing these out and comparing the numbers and seeing if I can determine correlations and patterns.

I think the only way they might matter is that if your ketones are higher maybe you have more of a buffer before you get knocked out of ketosis. Or maybe not.

(andreas) #72

Thanks guys for all the info,

so we are saying after 4 or 5 on the ketonix chart, i am doing the right thing and in ketosis.

I should never expect to get up in to the 40’s or 50’s ?

(Jim Russell) #73

Yes, with the newer ketonix that measure in PPM, 4 or more is great. 40 or 50 is pretty high. You’d probably have to be doing something like a super long fast to get that high.

(andreas) #74

Thanks Jimbo,

I appreciate the clarification

(Merete C) #75

Thank you for this great post. I have had a 2016 Ketonix (USB with battery) and used it with a computer since late 2016. I don’t measure blood ketones or blood sugar.
By reading all the explanations and measurements of you guys I have finally been able to make sense of my measurements. I am glad I have just kept measuring even that I wasn’t sure what the measurements meant.
Your explanations and measurements have helped. THANK YOU.
I can clearly see that I am a kind of 4-10PPM girl and when I step out of my low-carb ways I fall below that.
I can see how my eating, but also stress, traveling, and monthly cycle affects ketones.
I now use it in the morning around 10 and in the evening after dinner and it makes me reflect more on what I did this day (good or bad) and what I want to do differently tomorrow, or just keep it up.
To me the ketonix is a great tool TOGETHER with paying attention to all the other markers: digestion, energy, skin, mood, weight. And learning to breathe OUT is good in its own right!
I would recommend the Ketonix to other people for these reasons.
This is what my readings look like on a Mac with Ketonix Version 2.4.4


(đ૯αท ʍ૯ઽƬѳท) #76

My Blood Result tonight was 3.1mmol/L
Ketonix gave me 80.3 PPM…

(Jenn Monaghan) #77

Wow! My Ketonix always gives me between 10-20 range. I just did a 3 day water, salt, black coffee fast and at the end I was only up to 19!


Okay I just ordered one, will let you guys know how it works.

I told my wife she could use it too and she wants another mouthpiece. Cooties, apparently.

(đ૯αท ʍ૯ઽƬѳท) #79

No more Keto-kissing?


12 ppm. The software is a little hinky but I will get used to it.

(David Baird) #81

Any ideas how long after alcohol can affect? I’ve had my device a week or so and am generally registering around 20ppm. Now I’m in the 60-80 range, but suspect it might be because I had a few beers yesterday, but more than 12 hours ago - can this still be skewing the reading?