Ketogenic Forums 2 months on

(Richard Morris) #1

When we launched the forums 2 months ago, it was quite a gamble. We knew the theory, we’d spoken to the experts, we’d researched the state of the art for building conversations. But all we really knew was that FaceBook groups were becoming unsustainable, and we didn’t know if our FB community would be able to adapt.

Maybe forums are only great for technical folk, like developers. Maybe some of the problems of FB groups burying good content and highlighting stupid flame wars would also follow us here. We thought if maybe 1000 people made the move then that would be enough to build a community, and those left orphaned on FB who couldn’t make the move might build their own vibrant communities.

I’m happy to say that this forum has been a success beyond all our expectations thanks mainly to the strength of this community. In 2 months the forums have 4,500 users, 3000 topics, 75,000 likes, 2,500 bookmarks, and only 83 flags - and over 2 Million page views.

The best thing I think is that the community is taking responsibility for welcoming new users and being so generous with their time and explanations.

For example;

The willingness of the ketogenic forum community to admin itself gives the forums the ability to scale and remain more relevant than any FaceBook group could. Sure the forums have great technology features, with features like a search that returns meaningful results - but it’s the people that makes this place.

We have a big job ahead of us; this is just the beginning of a revolution of metabolically deranged people finding the information to fix themselves then helping their neighbours to do the same. And along the way we’ll all help a lot of people who are less progressed down that that metabolic path to lose weight, treat depression, develop a better relationship with food.

(Jamie Hayes) #2

A brave decision that was clearly well thought out and the results speak for that. Great job Richard and Carl.

(Keto in Katy) #3

As a technology guy and owner/admin of a busy forum website myself, I have a special appreciation for what you have done here. It’s a lot more work than many people realize and requires a great deal of planning and oversight to get a site like this going and keep it running smoothly. And it is so much easier when there is a great community of thoughtful people on board.

I have no doubt that this forum is helping to improve people’s lives, and that’s what it is all about. Well done, gents.

(Todd Allen) #4

Wow! I had no idea this forum was so new. I stumbled across it a week ago and it had the appearance of something much longer established due to quantity and range of content. I assumed I just wasn’t thorough enough when I looked for keto forums a few months ago and didn’t come up with much beyond some discussion on reddit. I never looked into facebook for keto as I never much cared for the unfiltered stream of conciousness nature of the content I’ve found there in the past.

Huge thanks from me, this is the community I was hoping to find.

(Guardian of the bacon) #5

Wow 4500 users and only 83 flags
I guess my 3 flags puts me above the average…shame on me then.

(eat more) #6

many thanks @richard and @carl ! :heart:
this is a great place to hangout!! :raised_hands:

(Sam Perez) #7

I’ve been trying to get away from Facebook ever since they killed the interest list feature (Let you use Facebook as basically an RSS reader and see things from the sources you want in chronological order.) The convenience of only ever needing Facebook and Reddit is hard to escape, but branching out and going other places for my news and conversations will make me a better rounded person.
This group moving made me put a non-facebook link in my bookmarks bar and helped nudge me towards making other places part of my routine, so thanks for dragging us all out of that pit.

(Patrick B.) #8

Well to be fair, a community of a year migrated…


Thank you @Richard and @Carl !

I am not a Facebook user, only joined in December after hearing you talk about the Forum on the podcast.

Thanks again!

(Marshelle) #10

I got quoted by the forum creator!!! :scream:
(I’m a lucky dog, lucky dog here)! :musical_score:
I never thought I would be able to understand this change. I am a bootlegger who refuses to read how to navigate a site. However, I NEEDED KETO!!! :weary:
Thanks for all you’ve done!! It has been a lifesaver for so many of us!!!


Thanks for creating this Keto forum. It’s a very good resource and a great companion to your podcasts. I first learned of you when I discovered your 2 Keto Dudes podcasts which I now listen to regularly. I heard your references to FB but never looked into it since I’m not a FB user. Of course when you announced this new site, I jumped aboard. Good job guys!

(christa) #12

As with real-world communities, online communities thrive when expectations and social norms are well-established, and then repeatedly enforced. So much of the widespread problems of trolling, harassment, and abuse on the internet stem from the lack of real-world social norms that all of us (ok, most of us!) learn from childhood.

Communities like this one—organized around a niche topic that supports returning users and which emphasizes fair and consistent moderation—are likelier to fare better in the long run than more wide-ranging and unmoderated fora.

As in real life, the positive reinforcement of shared values and collective rejection of unacceptable behavior will make this a great place to hang out and learn from each other. Kudos to you for making the switch from Facebook!

(Candace) #13

I am truly thankful for this group. I mostly lurked on the Facebook page, absorbing information. I decided to be more active on the forums. This is such a supportive group, and you guys make me laugh, daily! Gave me the encouragement I needed to finally start - which I did, yesterday. I’ll figure out the right area to post all about that.

So thank you guys for doing this!!

(Lucrecia) #14

Yet another timely reminder for me to spend more time here, and less time on FaceSuck!! Thanks for all the awesome work you guys do.