Ketogenic diet after stomach Botox - any experience?

(Ali Uchkan) #1

hello everyone, I’m a newbie here. Just wondering if anyone started Keto following gastric wall Botox injection.
I’ve had the Botox injection just to help to stop my appetite and then my dietician advised me to start a Keto diet, 1 week after Botox. Now I’m on 3rd week of the diet. I had some bad days with elevated blood pressure and heart beat between 4-10 days now it’s less worse but again I still have an irregular heart beat. Especially post prandial and in the mornings. I’m just not sure if it’s about Keto or Botox.
Any help would be appreciated.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #2

Sounds like you maybe low on electrolytes. Sodium and potassium in particular. Potassium will calm your heart and slow it down, also your heart beat will be regular. Sodium is especially important because it helps keep the other electrolytes in balance. You should be getting 10g. - 15g. of salt per day or 2-3 teaspoons. You should first try salt and see if you achieve a balance that makes you feel better, it should happen very quickly.

(reservedzz) #3

What’s the best diet after such a procedure? I also need to get an intramuscular Botox injection into my gastric wall, and I wonder how my life will change after that. I don’t stick to any particular diet now, but it looks like I would need to learn more about it.
I will get my injection from botox boston and hope the local doctors will explain to me more about what I will have to do after the procedure. But it’s better to know something yourself too. I don’t want to risk and eat something wrong even if my doctor wouldn’t say anything about it. My health is in my hands now.

(Megan) #4

Hi Reservedzz, what does the intramuscular botox injection do? Lessens appetite as the original poster said? If so, how does it do that? What are the “wrong” things to eat following the procedure?

One of the things many people who do keto and carnivore ways of eating find is these ways of eating help to reduce cravings and reduce appetite.