Ketofest 2017

(Jon Slaughter) #1

Back from Ketofest 2017. Great time!!! Met so many wonderful people from those who organized it, the staff who kept the flow seamlessly from event to event, the vendors who proved low carb eating doesn’t mean tasteless eating, the chefs who provided cooking demonstrations and delicious samples, the speakers who presented research results and other fascinating topics on Science Sunday, and all who attended.

If you were not able to attend this year, keep it on your radar for next year.

(Jon Slaughter) #2

and I forgot to mention the good people of New London CT, who welcomed us to their city.

(carl) #3

I received word from the owners of Thames River Greenery that Social Saturday was their best sales day in 42 years of being in New London!! They were blown away.

(Cathrine Helle) #4

I’m sure it was a huge success! Hopefully something like this will eventually happen in Northern Europe as well. Aren’t you quite often in Oslo, Norway @carl ? :wink: