KetoCancerMom's Look at Numbers

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #61
Date Time Hours CGM BG BK GKI Boz
Oct 24 6:36p 0 78 72 1.2 3.33 60
Oct 24 10:37p 4 83 84 1.2 3.89 70
Oct 25 12:38a 6 81 76 1.8 2.35 42
Oct 25 8:20a 14 77 80 2.7 1.65 30
Oct 25 12:38p 18 82 79 0.9 4.88 88
Oct 25 6:50p 24 73 69 1.3 2.95 53
Oct 26 12:30a 30 66 64 1.9 1.87 34
Oct 26 8:30a 38 67 70 2.7 0.44 26
Oct 26 12:30p 42 66 65 2.9 1.25 22
Oct 26 7:00p 48.5 62 49 4.2 0.65 12
Oct 27 12:30a 54 56 52 4.2 0.69 12
Oct 27 8:30a 62 49 49 5.0 0.54 10
Oct 27 12:30p 66 50 44 6.0 0.41 7
Oct 27 8:30p 74 51 45 5.2 0.48 9

Overall this was a successful fast.
Tonight at dinner, about 23 hours after breaking my fast I still had good numbers. My glucose was fairly low most of the day.

At supper tonight:
CGM: 56
BG: 57
BK: 5.9
GKI: 0.54
Boz: 9.7

(Susan) #62

That is terrific =)), well done!

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #63

This week I’ve been sick. This has shown higher glucose numbers. I’m not sure what numbers to trust. Ketones are coming in at 1.4, which was quite a surprise. The blood drop represents a finger-stick blood test (as opposed to the interstatial fluid reading/scan).

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #64

Tonight’s numbers:
CGM: 96
BG: 84
BK: 1.2

Maybe this is a sign of things improving?

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #65

I’m definitely feeling better today, and my glucose numbers have been improving. I’d say that my body is under much less stress (illness-related), and it certainly shows. I’ve created a chart that shows a few days of my glucose levels while sick. Today my levels are much lower overall, and I did get better sleep last night.

(Susan) #66

That is great =).

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #67

Thanks. Its been interesting to tracking my glucose while sick :slight_smile:

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #68

Overall things are better with my glucose, now that I’m basically “not sick”.
Something I don’t understand is why my glucose spiked so high today.
The “DBPC” is a decaf bulletproof coffe. It was a basic decaf breakfast blend with 1 TBSP of butter added, 1 teaspoon of sugar-free caramel sauce (homemade), and 1 scoop of Chocolate MCT powder (something I use frequently). I’m tempted to say that the sensor had some anomalous readings. My glucose peaked at about 75 minutes after drinking it (so it seems odd) and then was back down at about 2 hours after drinking it. This just seemed really odd to me.

(Failed) #69

Will you be repeating the DPBC today to see if it causes another spike?

Overall, though, it looks like you are doing well, congrats.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #70

I probably won’t. I don’t have the caramel sauce anymore.

(Susan) #71

I am always thinking of you, my positive thoughts and prayers are with you, even though I don’t post a lot, I always am wishing you the very best overcoming all of this and getting into remission, God Bless =).

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #72


(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #73

My glucose is looking good. Curious to see the response of my glucose after drinking some BPC. The drop about 2 hours later is very interesting.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #74

I haven’t posted here in a while. I think I’m going to transition to just using my main thread…