Keto to treat depression


(Diane) #22

Welcome to the forums!

That’s excellent news!

(Adrian ) #23

I jumped on a Carnivore diet in the past 2 months. Although it’s been a struggle overall, I feel like I’m really closer to a more positive mental space. The frequency of my suicidal thoughts hs significantly reduced, and every now and then I get glimpses of joy. Some days are still bad too.
I am now testing a KetoCarnivore style of eating, because I was struggling too much on CV. My energy levels have picked up.
A bit skeptic to reintroducing some plants as they can make my depression resurface.

(Adrian ) #24

To achieve higher ketone levels, you have to increase your fat : protein ratio, am I right?
Or MCT oil and/or extented fasting maybe
I did IF for almost a year on a high-carb diet, it did nothing for my mental health. But on Keto it probably something else

(Teri Raia) #25

The keto diet for me is a wonderful anti-depressant. Gives me an overall feeling of well being and my stress just goes down. Same stuff happening in my life but I am just able to handle it better. I went off the pills about 3 years ago and never plan on returning.

(Michaek) #26

is this even legal? to treat depression I was suggested to smoke some weed (from my doctor btw) but it didn’t work, it even got worse. I started to think like 5 times faster and 5 times more thoughts and 5 times worse thoughts, what a ■■■■ day it was. Since then I never address to any conscious-changing preparates, as they just ■■■■ it up even more. My wife got me some kratom capsules, that finally seemed to chill me. And you know that, I dug deep into my soul and understood that those depressions and anxiety and other negative emotions are not even real.

(Murphy Kismet) #27

What do you mean by this? How could a diet be illegal? Unless you’re thinking of all the mainstream allopathic doctors losing money from their ‘fat, sick, and nearly dead’ patients healing themselves from their depression, and other maladies, and not paying their doctors every month to feed them poisonous pills to hide their pain all the while telling they need at least 200g carbs every day or they’ll they die. Yet it’s the carbs that are poisoning the body, and the doc just insults the body by shoving in MORE poison as pills.

Mind you, it could possibly become illegal, if their fear of our personal agency gets too big. As it stands, the WHO is pushing a vegan agenda, so we might see some foods being made illegal, or prohibiively taxed in the next few years. This terrifes me.

(Laurie) #28

I think he was joking!