Keto serum glucose odd findings thus far…

(Marco ) #1

Went strict keto (10-20g net carbs/daily) roughly 4 months ago. Was a period of low carb prior. A1c was 6.3, avg fasting around 105 when I started and quickly normalized to fasted glucose of 80-85 every day. Very consistent numbers, had a recent a1c test and came back with an amazing 4.5 after 3 months strict keto period.

I was really exciting about results and then about a week after that test values started rising. Same sleep, diet, exercise (I’m a runner), etc… but fbg went from low 80s to mid to upper 90s, post meal 90 minutes post prandial which were always back to pre meal level are now + 15-20mg/dL at 90 min. I have been tinkering with more sodium, magnesium trying to solve higher heart rate while running, the last few weeks, but nothing major… any thoughts?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

There are a couple of threads running about this at the moment. I’m not sure anyone has come to a conclusion, but you might try reading through them and see what strikes you as useful.

(Butter Withaspoon) #3

Are you a lean endurance runner in good metabolic health now? Then you could try adding back in more carbs (unprocessed whole foods like vegetables). Some athletes of that description say they do better with higher carbs than 20g, and may vary it according to training phase.

Just a thought

(Marco ) #4

As a followup, I didn’t see much in terms of similar situations, but adaptive glucose sparring came the closest as a possible reason (although the timing and magnitude would be hard to explain).

I went ahead and had a HOMA-IR test, fasted glucose 97, fasted insulin 3.2, homa-ir = .8.

I guess with that insulin and homa-ir score, I can safely put to bed something is wrong, but will monitor on a regular basis.

(Joey) #5

Sounds like you’re doing awesomely well. As an athletic strict keto’er, you might expect to see your fasting glucose levels rise a bit - your liver is producing glucose as demanded since it’s not coming from carbs in your diet.

This is the way you body is meant to function. Congratulations on getting yourself onto a much healthier track (noting that you’re a runner). :wink:

Keep us posted. Your results will be helpful to others with similar concerns.

(Bob M) #6

Insulin of 3.2 is seriously low.

(Marco ) #7

Forgot to follow up on this thread…

HR while running normalized after approx 5 months keto.

Fasted insulin and glucose also very stable (1 year keto).

In fact forgot to check back as I’ve been basically on autopilot focusing on training - keto hasnt required much thought daily.

(Butter Withaspoon) #8

That’s great to hear! what are you training for and do you still keep carbs as low?

(Marco ) #9

Hi Halle,

I’m a runner, I’m run daily all year- not really training for something specific beyond improving daily. I compete at master events 5, 10, 21, 42k max a few 50k events to keep things interesting.

Yes, generally speaking I keep carbs 30g or under daily, not by design, but kind of how meal planning as evolved over the last year or so.