Keto science


The video is incorrect and not evidence. Insulin and Glucagon are complementary hormones for the purpose of maintaining homeostasis.

Insulin is not anabolic and simply a storage hormone:

It’s also self evident that insulin isn’t anabolic because T1Ds only gain muscle if they work out and gain excess fat when they don’t. GH and IGF-1 are anabolic.

Just because the human liver has glucagon receptors; this doesn’t prove that glucagon increases ketone production directly.

Glucagon can be anabolic during fasting and especially when white adipose tissue is non existent. Glucagon -> Ghrelin -> Growth hormone -> IGF-1

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #22

Well, if you don’t agree with Professor Bikman, that’s up to you. I find his logic persuasive, and the references he cites to be spot on.


Please post the references here instead of a baseless video.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #24

He cites a number of journal articles in the course of his lecture. You can look them up and evaluate them yourself.

Another researcher whose videos I find instructive is Dr. Stephen Phinney, who, along with Prof. Jeff Volek, has done quite a bit of useful research in the field. Dr. Phinney is particularly careful to document every point he makes, and it is well worth the effort to look up his citations and read them.

(Ivy) #25

I do live around alot of air pollution. I dont go running outside anymore, that was last year’s thing. Do you make any conclusions about me, because of it?