Keto, rashes and nickel allergy

(mezz_2000) #1

I’ve been keto for almost 3yrs, with a short break during pregnancy, I have noticed that I get bad rashes on my hands when eating keto. Last night I think I discovered the answer.
I have always known that I am allergic to nickle so I can’t wear jewellery with nickle as an alloy, however what I didn’t realise is that nickle is also in a lot of foods. A lot of these foods are now foods I consume in higher quantities now that I’m keto (nuts, dark chocolate, raspberries and leafy greens). So it looks like I might have to eliminate these foods from my diet and I’ll have to report back on the results.
Anyone else experienced anything similar in terms of rashes? Anyone else have a nickle allergy?


Interesting. I never heard of this before. I’d be interested to know what you discover. Incidentally, I looked up thus study right now…

(mezz_2000) #3

Thanks for that article @Fiorella! Such great info.
Id actually only found a little information on it, nothing as comprehensive as this, but as soon as I read about the symptoms and the link to nickle I felt that this was a probable cause of my dermatitis. I might go see a dermatologist and see if i can get the oral nickle challenge done.

(Marie) #4

Yes, I developed terrible hand rashes from flax seed - I have to avoid it. No nickel allergy, good thing because I wear nickel earrings instead of gold, which bothers me.

(Jacquie) #5

I reacted to nickel earrings years ago, so I wear gold earrings. :slight_smile: No other problems with nickel.

(Tom) #6

bad joke warning
I guess that means you’re in a bit of a…

nickel pickle? :grinning::grinning:

end bad joke warning

But in all seriousness, I’m sorry to hear that and I’m interested in hearing how it turns out.

(mezz_2000) #7

So it turns out @acrunchyfrog that pickles are high in nickle. So a nickle pickle it is indeed! :wink:

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #8

Come to think, it’s in some forms of stainless steel, so if you are using stainless steel pans, that might be a problem.

(mezz_2000) #9

Interesting. I have appointment booked with dermotologist in April. Will be intereting to see what he says.

(Jennifer Gretchen) #10

Join us here on FB for eating well on a low nickel diet/all things related to systemic nickel allergy syndrome… we’d love to have you :slight_smile: Facebook Nickel Allergy Diet Group

(mezz_2000) #11

Thank you! Ill head on over and check it out!

(Timothy Stephen Abello) #12

Been snacking on cacao nibs, I just realized my rashes started when i start consuming high quanities of them. Thanks for this post👌🏼