Keto rash getting worse


So I have just ordered black seed oil. I have heard it works wonders against the keto rash. Sadly in my part of the woods- it doesn’t come as a cream but only as oil… or capsules. I was wondering who has experience with this, and if taking it orally is better than topically? I don’t want to ruin my clothes with oil on them. But would swallowing a capsule work just as well?

(David Cooke) #2

Black seed oil can be used in cooking but has a strong taste, I quite like it. I know that some people that rub it on to the skin get allergies, so you might want to forget about that.
Or you can buy seeds, don’t know how effective that is or if it is bio-available.


I have been using the oil on my skin and it does help a bit - but just not enough.



I will try ANYTHING! Thx!
Listened to more- this is an amazing podcast full of info !!! Thxs so much for the link


@Paulene - watch this podcast: apple VINEGAR!! Just put a towel soaked with it on my chest and it seems to stop the itching. Just have to figure out how to do my lower back…
@Paendora - listen to what she says about fasting!!

(Bunny) #7

You need more carbohydrates (more calories), unfortunately

Need to increase them a little bit more B-2 riboflavin deficiency.

What an extreme case of keto rash would look like?

image image link


@atomicspacebunny I have one spot the size of a quarter on my stomach that looks like that. The rest look like mosquito bites. I take loads of vitamins and minerals too. The podcast says it has to do with yeast.
But I just put the apple vinegar on a towel and put it on my lesions and it is totally soothing. No itch!

(Bunny) #9

Keto rash (aka: riboflavin deficiency), your body is not holding onto the vitamin B-2 long enough and is being excreted through the urine with the potassium, hence APPLE CINDER VINEGAR with the berries helps your body hold onto the potassium?


I don’t know- the podcast doesn’t say anything about B2. It says something about yeast infection of the skin. It says to use apple vinegar on it and to drink it too.
Boy- all the medical people are at a loss too. Dr Boz, Dr Berry- nobody seems to have a clue. But I have a compress of apple vinegar on my chest as I write and no itch. It is helping! So this lady in the podcast says it healed her patients with the problem of keto rash. Apple Vinegar must kill off yeast?

(Bunny) #11

My information comes from the Merck Manual, your not going to get any better than that? Alll the keto doctors you mentioned should have been on top of that a long time ago?

You need to pick some foods high in B-2 and eat them?


Oh man- those hands are a foto of niacin deficiency. And even with b2 deficiency- if you read about the foods loaded with niacin as well as B2 - it is all the stuff we are actually eating. I eat fish and liver and all the things which contain B2! In addition- there are all sorts of other symptoms that we keto rash sufferers dont have and are listed there. So I honestly doubt if this is the real diagnosis. Yes - merck manual- but merck manual is basically telling us that we dont have B2 deficiencey because we dont have the manifold symptoms described there for the illness. So it gives us the correct information which shows us we do NOT have b2 deficiency.
I am laying here blissful because these apple vinegar compresses are actually working. But how do I leave the house with them??? :roll_eyes:

(Bunny) #13

I saw that to they are very similar so try to get and eat more foods rich in niacin and riboflavin?

My personal cure for this is nutritional yeast and brewers yeast non-fortified, sprinkle on salads put in gel caps or make little keto fat bombs with it? Take it consistently until it stops?


@atomicspacebunny Thx so much for trying to help me, because I really am suffering by this plague. But no-in the end they are not similar enough to merit the diagnosis. But hey- the apple vinegar really is helping. Go figure.:+1:


THANK YOU!! I hardly itch at all anymore. I laid down on a tray with a towel soaked in apple vinegar and water and just went “AHHHHH” when the itching stopped on my back. Just those few spots I cant get to are left but minor. The apple vinegar is doing its magic. I am trying to drink it too. Wow- just… THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I was really miserable. Tomorrow I will buy some berries too. And more apple vinegar.:heart_decoration:

(KCKO, KCFO) #16

Megan Ramos works with Dr. Fung, you might want to google her, lots of podcasts by her. She is awesome and has worked with 1000s of patients.

So glad the ACV worked for some relief til you get it under control.


Yes I do hope I get it under control. Paulene said she tried it and it did not help her. That is worrisome. But Megan said that her patients were healed by ACV and berries it just took about a week or two - so I am going to try that now. I dont want to take cortisone if I can help it. Nasty stuff. I still itch a bit when I take the compresses off. So it isn’t over yet.

(Paulene ) #18

To be fair to Megan Ramos, I only tried the berries for 1 week and stopped as I couldn’t stay in ketosis with them. They might have worked if I had persisted. I have prioritised staying in ketosis and maintaining weight loss, which at the moment seem to go hand-in-hand for me, over the natural route for curing the rash. I’m on the hard stuff now.


I will have to do something drastic too if it doesn`t stop.

(Paulene ) #20

My Dr tested by B12 and folate levels (all good) but not my B2 levels. I can’t imagine I would be low on B2 - I probably eat more eggs and dairy now than I ever have, and I also eat green veges and nuts, all high in B2. The only main B2 food group I’m no longer eating is legumes. Also taking about 4-6 tspn of ACV in my water every day. Yet I still have the rash. Berries (and associated higher carbs) may well be the secret.