Keto + IF stopped losing weight

(Kenny Croxdale) #21


When something stop working, it is a stall.

However, it is normal.

The MATADOR Weight Loss Study

The research in the MATADOR Weight Loss Study, in my previous post went into it.

Stalling is caused by…


The body learns to live on less; it adapts.

Changing Something

When adaptation occurs, something need to change.

The MADATOR Study demonstrated that varying/calorie rotation every two week was effective in promoting weight loss for that.

Calorie Rotation has been is one the fundamental method used by Bodybuilder for decades to increase weight/muscle mass and decrease body fat; Bulking and Cutting.

Kenny Croxdale

(Kenny Croxdale) #22

Percentages For Keto

Percentage do matter. As long as they remain in the right range, thing are fine.

Not Quite So

…if you plan on remaining in ketosis, you need to consume a fat within the percentage guidelines.

If you consume too much protein, it is converted to glucose (via gluconeogenesis).

Calorie Consumption

Gaining weight is going to occur if you are in a calorie surplus; no matter what diet you are on.

You are clueless.

Kenny Croxdale


That is practically the model for starting keto.

As you go into ketosis, your glycogen stores start dwindling. Glycogen binds water. So, as the glycogen stores dwindle, all of that water is released. Voila! Quick weight loss. It’s why some people get the “keto flu” (i.e. electrolyte imbalance) early on – all of that water leaving the body can cause an electrolyte imbalance.

After that, it takes time for the body to adjust to the new norm. For some, it can take months to become “fat adapted”.

But, in the long run, it takes time to lose (or gain) a pound of fat (or muscle). Just as it took time to put it on. Any short-term weight fluctuations are primarily changes in water retention and digestive tract contents.

At best, you can review your macros (in grams, not percentages) and track what you eat, keeping in mind that the proteins macro is a lower limit, while the carbs and fats macros are upper limits (especially if trying to lose weight). Keep in mind that your need for proteins should be based on your lean body mass, not as a percentage of caloric intake.


As noted by everybody that eats high protein keto, you’re wrong. The GNG monster isn’t coming into your room at night to rob you of your ketones. The Easter bunny is real though!

(Jane) #25

No - not true at all. I gained weight eating fewer calories by eating 6 small meals a day than eating MORE calories (and < 20 carbs) twice a day with no snacks. The latter helped me lose 40 lbs and was never hungry after the first 2 weeks.


Thanks everyone for your advices and opinions, after seeing all of the comments + comments I got on my reddit post it seems I really shouldnt limit my protein as I have been, I used another calculator that should give better results and mine are as follows: 1854 kcal, 20g carbs, 134g fats,142g protein, which is 20% caloric deficit. (for Kenny, fats are 65%, should be ok?)

Also I will slowly start to include some exercise and will try to be patient as many suggested :slight_smile:

If anyone has any further recommendations/tips feel free :slight_smile:

(Jane) #27

KCKO! (Keep Calm and Keto On)



Ah, I wondered what that means, saw it a few times :laughing:

(Jane) #29

It is good advice because people get too caught up in minute details of the diet that sometimes don’t matter and overthink it.

Yes, some people track macros religiously and it works for them. I never tracked anything but carbs after the first few weeks and it worked for me. I am a 61 yo woman who does not do any “extra” exercise. I get some just gardening and walking but I don’t count that. I can’t overeat protein so I never worried about it except made sure I got my minimum in. After a couple of days of yep - got my minimum protein - I quit looking at it.

I had to make myself increase my fat after years of low-fat dieting and being “afraid” of fat. I didn’t go crazy with it, although I enjoy a pat of butter in my first cup of coffee. I was terrified I would gain all the weight back I’d lost (about 15 lbs on low carb before discovering keto) when I started adding butter to my coffee. Not only did it make no difference in my weight loss but it was delicious!

(PJ) #30

I generally must eat in at least a 6-7 hour window or I simply cannot eat enough. It turns out that the carby foods I got fat on stimulate appetite hugely for me. Plus, of course, the blood sugar drops do. Got rid of both of those factors plus added ketosis’s appetite reduction, and it’s often hard to eat at all, never mind as much as I should.

That seemed like a good thing initially. It mostly led to lesser health results and losing hair. So now I understand I gotta eat ‘enough.’ But when eating keto foods, it can be hard to eat ‘enough’ calories…

Except cheese. I make a garlic cheese spread. (Fresh block-shred fine-shred colbyjack cheese; mayo; garlic. 1 oz : .5-1 Tbsp; 1-1.5 cloves, is the formula.) I make an easy ‘disk’ kind of like a superthin crunchy pizza crust, that I use for little pizzas, open-top sandwiches I make melty, or to put this garlic cheese spread on. It’s stupidly caloric thanks to all the fat and I can easily get enough calories if I eat that, and it’s delicious, and while filling, is not AS filling as most other things I eat on keto.

I have to seek out bacon, mayo, cheese, to try and get enough calories even to just not go/stay too long at a deficit. Maybe some people have a super low bmr or they love fatty meats that helps them keep cals up. But keto is hard for me to get enough food/calories on unless I make a conscious effort.

If I don’t, after a while, my body sends me hard-noshing for everything in sight, and seriously risks me going off plan. Because it thinks it’s starving. Even though IT is the one that is not hungry in the first place. Until it is, and these tend to be the moments I eat crappy food. So it’s worth my doing right.

(bulkbiker) #31

Odd then that I lost 120 pounds with no extra exercise whatsoever.

(Kenny Croxdale) #32

The information that I provided is based on the research science and experts in this area.

You need to rewrite their research and based on your massive knowledge show them where they went wrong.

I am sure you can do that. :slight_smile:

Kenny Croxdale


Nope, I actually don’t need to do any of that because I don’t owe you proof of anything. Everybody that does high protein keto is very aware that we’re in Ketosis just fine and have none of the problems that people that fear protein claim you’ll have.

No shortage of research and “proven” studies that show saturated fat will clog your arteries and kill you. You agree with that too just because somebody put it on paper?

(Kenny Croxdale) #34

6 Meals A Day

This method has proven to be ineffective for losing weight as well as for maintaining Muscle Protein Synthesis. A study by Nutrition PhD published a few years ago was published in the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

One of the main finding was that 6 multiple meals/snacks maintained elevated insulin levels. As Jay Robb (Nutritionist) once stated, “Insulin is a fat maker…”

Actually insulin is “Globally Anabolic”. It increase muscle mass as well as fat mass. That is one of the reason many pro bodybuilder take it.

When insulin is elevated, it blocks the fat burning hormones: nor-epinephrine, epinephrine, growth hormone, cortisol, etc.

On a side note, acute elevation of cortisol is a good thing. It assist with the fat burning process. Chronic elevated cortisol is a health issue.

Which brings us the benefits of…

2 - 3 Meals A Day

This ensure insulin levels are kept low and the fat burning hormones are elevated; more fat is burned for energy.

Research discovered another benefit.

Refractory Period

Research (Drs Donald Layman, Layne Norton, Gabe Wilson, etc) found maximum Muscle Protein Synthesis was achieved when feedings/meals were 4 - 6 hour apart.

Lower Muscle Protein Synthesis occurred with 6 Meals/Snack Per Day.

Muscle Protein Synthesis is necessary for maintaining and increasing muscle mass. Thus, optimizing it is a key for health.

The Sponge Effect

When it comes to Muscle Protein Synthesis, muscle cells are similar to sponges that wipe up water.

When the sponge is dry is soak up more water. When the sponge is wet is soaks up less water. Essentially the same occurs with muscle.

Another interesting fact based on research is…

Pulse Feeding

This mean fewer meals with higher protein intake. It’s most effective with older individual than younger individuals.

Research shows that older individual need to consume more protein per serving/meal than younger individual to elicit a similar response. Older individuals system are as efficient as younger individuals.

Fewer Meals, More Weight Loss

For those reason, the fact that you lost more weight, with fewer meals and more calories, makes sense.

Secondly, as you mentioned, with the larger meals, you weren’t hungry.

Now back to the Percentages

Individual who want to remain in ketosis need to follow the guideline recommendation for the Ketogenic Diet.

Consuming too much protein takes you out of ketosis, via gluconeogenesis.

Many individual who think they are on a Ketogenic Diet are really on a high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diet; they are not in ketosis nor will they ever be.

A high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate works for lowing weight, as well. That providing you remain in a calorie deficit.

All the information presented can be found online.

Kenny Croxdale

(Kenny Croxdale) #35

You need to research this in more depth.

There more to this that you have been lead to believe.

Kenny Croxdale

(Bunny) #36

Butter Bob Briggs explains this quite well, the fatter you are, the higher and longer insulin remains in circulation. I noticed this from my own experiments and if I don’t spread out my eating windows nothing will happen when trying to burn off body fat.

Butter Bob should get a Nobel Prize for his pointing out the charts because this is the core supreme secret mechanism to actually burning fat?

image image image link

If people really understood these charts they should have no problem burning body fat and prevent gaining body fat?


Are you saying IF is actually causing me not to lose weight? That doesnt seem to align with what everyone else is saying and how plenty people lost weight…?

(Bunny) #38

No, fasting is actually what is the secret to those charts. Fasting too much is what slows down your thyroid from actually burning body fat, fasting just right will reduce the insulin but you don’t want to reduce insulin too much either so that is why I practice slowly extending my eating windows out, so I hate calling it IF or EF because it is not really what I would call “fasting” as the term is so loosely used.

It’s like fasting but you don’t feel like your starving to death. The more you extend eating windows out the easier it gets but you make sure you eat enough protein and fat when doing this, that is where the ketogenic diet comes in handy.

(Kenny Croxdale) #39

Keto Guideline Percentages

The information that calculator gave you falls within the right Keto Guidelines.

Up to 50 gram of carbohydrate are the traditional limit.

What calculator did you use (website)?

Fat Percentage of 65%

That fat percentage should work. It within the guidelines.


One of the best ways of tracking if you are in ketosis is with a Ketometer.

Here are two brands that are fairly inexpensive that can provide you with real feed back.

1) Keto Coach

This meter only measure you ketone levels.

2) Mojo Ketometer

This is a dual meter. It measure ketones and your blood glucose.

Measuring both ketones and blood glucose provide greater feed back with the…

GKI, The Glucose Ketone Index

Calculating your Gludose:Ketone Ratio indicates more precisely if you are burning glucose or ketones. It also indicates how deeply you are into ketosis.

With that said, just measuring blood ketones is a good place to star.

When To Measure Ketone

For someone who decides to invest on a Ketometer, you’re ketone levels fluctuate during the day.

Some individual find that get a good reading in the morning. Others, like myself, obtain a better reading later in the afternoon.

Keto Test Strip

This are not as accurate and over time are ineffective.

Kenny Croxdale


Thing is I actually feel good when fasting and am not craving/starving at all.
Sometimes I start to feel hungry after 16h so I go eat, sometimes I dont so I fast for 20h.
What would you recommend for me then? Should I limit the fasting Im doing currently?