Keto hubby having daily heartburn. Remedies?


Happy Wednesday everyone. My husband eats keto, and for the last 4 or 5 days he’s been having heartburn. Sometimes it’s so bad it wakes him up at night. Any suggestions?

(VLC.MD) #2

Ranitidine to settle it down ? (aka Over the Counter Zantac).
In the USA, Prilosec OTC is very strong. (Good for short term, too strong for long term).

In past threads

Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular suggestion.

(Darlene Horsley) #3

Zantec works wonders for me and it works quickly! ACV or dill pickle juice works in a pinch as well.

(Liz ) #4

I tried apple cider vinegar & it did not help me, but for whatever reason apple cider vinegar TABLETS did.


I use to suffer from GERD (self diagnosed). Zantac wasn’t strong enough. Prilosec worked, but I wasn’t comfortable with the risks associated with long term use. Weight loss and/or taking doses of ACV solved it. I drank two tablespoons in the morning and two before bed, mixed with an equal amount of orange/apple/grapefruit/cherry juice in 8-12 oz of water and a little stevia if it was too tart. And no, the carbs did not take me out of ketosis. After months of (intermittent) symptoms, it took less than week to resolve and hasn’t returned, even though I’m not consistent with consuming it daily nowadays.


A supplement of betaine hcl may help. My husband is trying this for “silent” acid reflux, and he has seen some improvement. He is actually using the betaine and Prilosec, one is in the morning though and one is at night. (Can’t remember which direction right now but can ask him if you’re interested.) This was on the advice of a functional medicine doctor. (@wi_engineer maybe you could chime in)

(Consensus is Politics) #7

It could be caused by a certain food or ingriedient. If anything new has been added to the diet, roll all your menus back to before it started. If it goes away, slowly reintroduce them back in one at a time with a few days between each new food.

Sometimes it’s just the simple things.

(Bunny) #8


Parietal cells in stomach wall not producing (hydrochloric acid declines with age) enough hydrochloric acid, thus esophageal stomach valve does not close properly because of alkaline environment (acid reflux, GERD etc…).


HYDROCHLORIC ACID SUPPLEMENTS (PH alkaline/acidic scale 0 to 14):

  1. Betaine HCL w/pepsin (IMPORTANT CAVEAT: take right after eating protein/DO NOT take without eating protein!)

  2. Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice (organic): 1 Tbsp. of each to a glass of water (EVERYDAY).

KEY DIGESTIVE ENZYME SUPPLEMENTS (to look for in ingredients):

  1. Lipase
  2. Amylase
  3. Bromelain


  1. Lactobacillus Acidophilus*

Follow these steps (above) and acid reflux etc. will be a distant unpleasant experience and long forgotten memory! This might be resolved naturally (without the use of supplements) after the body has time to heal from long-term glucose exposure and damage! And I would also like to add that digestive enzymes are also good for breaking down the preservatives (body sees it as a foreign substance and turns it into fat) that don’t digest properly in food!

*Digestive Bacteria:

One last word on this subject, polyps and/or diverticulosis causes an auto-immune disorder called Arthritis, a type of anti-body that attacks the polyps (pockets of bad bacteria caused by bad bacteria; eating too much sugar?) and diverticulosis in the intestinal tract also attack the bodies cartilage and responds to it as a foreign pathogen thus trying neutralize it, if you can prevent polyps and diverticulosis in the intestinal tract via good bacteria, then you eliminate Arthritis as well as Cancer of the Colon… Bone broth remedies some of this too…

Reflux is HORRIBLE After Starting Keto
(Naomi Brewster) #9

I started keto primarily because I had acid reflux and it was making me miserable. For the first 3 months no reflux. It was lovely and a miracle and then bam - one day - reflux again. I cut out dairy (which helped), I drank apple cider vinegar (about half an hour before eating which btw did help somewhat), I increased my green leafy veggies and digestive bitters and eat in a circadian eating window (9am - 6pm). It was still there even though I was managing it better. But then one day I noticed that I hadn’t had any symptoms of reflux for a while. I truely can’t say what it was that ‘fixed’ it but I chalk it up to my body healing. I’ve continued the greens - have as a smoothy in the morning and eat greens with every meal but that’s because I’ve been reading about the gut microflora and how important it is to feed them. I know how painful and disruptive it is so I hope your hubby can get some releif soon. Good luck

(Bunny) #10

@gnomesb…the natural digestive bitters…are really really important too! Thanks for mentioning that!

(Ashley Bruny) #11

Hi there. You seem very knowledgeable and I have so many questions for you. Do you mind if we can connect so I can ask you some questions? Sorry if this sounds creepy, lol, but I’m desperate for healing! Thanks so much!

('Jackie P') #12

This helped me when I started. I had been on Omeprazole for years. When I learned that hydrochloric acid is ‘designed by the human body’ to deal with meat and fat, I ditched them! I have never had heartburn since!