
(Rick Weber) #1

Hi! I am in Ketosis for about 5weeks , lost 20 lbs. I have a problem though: mild chronic heartburn during the day. Does anyone else have this situation? If so, what causes this? And is there a fix? Thanks!

(Dustin Cade) #2

is the heartburn a new development?

(Cathy) #3

It can be a case of too little digestive juices. I had severe GERD before going low carb/keto and although it got a bit better it still was very problematic. I continued to take o.t.c. meds. Finally someone told me that I had to stop the meds. Instead, I took a couple of supplements which were prebiotics and probiotics. Within a week, I was almost 100% better. It was counter intuitive but it seems that it was the answer. Hope your problem resolves soon.

(Dustin Cade) #4

I’m still taking an OTC heartburn med, i would really like to not need it anymore… what did you switch it up with?

(Skip Cody) #5

I find that to much coffee with cocunut oil and no other food gives me a little heartburn. I have also found that going keto took away my previous non coffee heartburn.

(Dustin Cade) #6

hmmm… Coffee w/butter and coconut oil has been keto companion…


Try some apple cider vinegar…often the cause is not enough acidity in the stomach. :blush:

Keto hubby having daily heartburn. Remedies?
(Mitchell Broadway) #8

Yes, apple cider vinegar is great for heart burn. I start and end the day with 2 tbsp of it and it has cleared up the indigestion for me.

(Jeremy Storie) #9

I tend to get mild heartburn when I’m hungry.

(Dustin Cade) #10

I think I am going to go all of June w/no coffee… see if in 30 days I can get my self off of heartburn meds… see if i can streamline even more w/not needing BPC unless I want it, not using it as a crutch…

(Karen Fricke) #11

The valve at the top of the stomach closes in response to acid, taking acid reducing medicine helps the valve stay open, increasing reflux and heartburn, and therefore increasing sales of the drug that causes the problem.

(Cathy) #12

I took only a probiotic although a prebiotic was recommended (just didn’t go that way). I think it would have been helpful. The idea is that people like myself can have low stomach acid and it feels like acid reflux. Taking antacids only further compound the problem.

I stopped taking antacids completely. It was hard because they provided brief relief. But within a week, the problem reversed.

I suggest that you do some research on the subject. I think it is important to remember that when we drastically change the type of foods we eat, our systems need time to adjust.

(Dustin Cade) #13

I’m starting a Coffee free June… we’ll see if this helps-

(Travis Harris) #14

@rickweber54 Did anything resolve this? I’m having similar issues.