Keto drinks


What drinks do you usually drink? Not talking about water, coffee and alcohol.
Sometimes I would like to drink some delicious drink and I’m afraid there is not very much options.

Keto friendly drinks?
(MelissaH) #2

I drink lacroix once in awhile


Lacroix is like flavored water? Or is it carbonated?
Sorry, I’m not from US, do not have this drink here, trynig to find alternatives

(MelissaH) #4

It is sparkling water. Comes in a lot of different flavors. I’ve also heard of people making and chilling flavored teas.



(Amy Ramadan) #6

Iced green tea with mint, or water infused with berries or cucumber!! Flavored carbonated water once in awhile!!

(Cynthia Anderson) #7

I just add flavoring to my water.

(Casey Crisler) #8

Lacroix? Ugh. I bought several boxes of that because it sounded so good. I’m tempted to give it to the food bank it’s so gross. My drink of choice is decaf, unsweetened iced tea. I also drink some low carb berry concoction. I don’t have it in front of me but can get it if you like. I also drink Bai tea once and a while. It’s got stevia but I think it’s ok.
I still have many bottles of beer, Yoo Hoos, and chocolate breakfast drinks sitting in my kitchen but don’t touch them. I can’t find anyone who wants free beer (???)

(MelissaH) #9

@Clcrisler this made me laugh… I bought a few boxes too due to all the hype. I’m not crazy about it but can drink it in a pinch. Or with flavored vodka🙃 thankfully I love just plain filtered water

(Wendy) #10

I really like the La Croix drinks but it took a bit before I really loved them and diet sodas taste really sweet and unpleasant to me now.
I love the San Pelergro water (sp?) but don’t get it often as it’s a little pricey.
What I’d like is a keto friendly hot chocolate! Teas are nice sometimes, especially the different herbal ones.


I like water best. I drink San Pellegrino if I want something bubbly or I’m fasting. I like hint water if I want something flavored or spindrift if I want flavored and bubbly. The spindrift has a few carbs as it is naturally flavored with fruit. The lemon one is so yummy!

I also drink black coffee and green tea on occasion.

(Laurie) #12

Flavored carbonated water is okay. It doesn’t need to be a fancy brand. I can buy 12-packs for $3 when it’s on sale.

Stevia-sweetened root beer or ginger ale. Not cola.

Mostly I make a concentrate of 1 cup lemon juice, 1 teaspoon stevia powder (equivalent to 1 c sugar), and water. I add a squirt of that to a large glass of water. I like it; it’s what I drink all day.

I don’t know if you’d call this delicious, but it hits the spot sometimes (chocolate!): a spoonful or two of unsweetened cocoa powder in a cup, add boiling water and stir. (As if you were making instant coffee.) Add a bit of cream or rum or Jameson’s or whatever floats your boat. Or just drink it plain.

Bengal Spice herb tea. Best with cream (rounds out the spice taste).

Smoky Earl Grey tea. Some people love it, some hate it. I make a reduced-caffeine version as follows: Equal parts (by weight) of Earl Grey rooibos, Vanilla rooibos, and Lapsang Souchong black tea (that’s the smoky part). The vanilla is optional, but I think it makes it way better (rounds out the bergamot/citrus flavor).

If you omit the vanilla rooibos, use 2 parts Earl Grey roobos to 1 part Lapsang Souchong. You can even use less Lapsang Souchong if you find the mix too smoky.

You can also buy various brands of smoky Earl Grey, e.g., Fortnum & Mason. I first had the Fortnum & Mason Earl Grey at a cafe in Korea. At the time it was just called “Earl Grey,” without the word “smoky,” so I wasn’t expecting the extra kick. It was amazing! But it’s hard to find where I live.

(Running from stupidity) #13

I just drinks my water. (Sorry OP)

(Chris) #14

I have a much more refined palate than @juice, thankfully. I like to enjoy spring water, tap water, sparkling water, and even hot water if I feel fancy.

(Running from stupidity) #15

That doesn’t make you all that special, though. There’s about seven billion of you in that club :slight_smile:

(Chris) #16

Hahahaha, don’t flatter me, there’s only 6.8 billion.

(Running from stupidity) #17



I guess some people did not really got my point :slight_smile: I dirnk water. I love water. I drink A LOT of it. At least 3 liters per day. But sometimes, like weekend, when we watch movies, have snacks and so on, I would like to drink something other than water.
That doesn’t mean I do not drink or like water, I just want to drink something else one evening in a week. And I do not even mean the whole evening, just a glass of drink that is not water or unsweetened tea and is keto friendly.


Lately i have been having a glass of “unsweetened vanilla almond milk” (but i sweeten it with some stevia) with my dinner. It’s definitely a nice change up from coffee or water.

(Laurie) #20