Keto drinks


I found that Cocacola Zero is 0 carbs. Maybe there is some information that this is not true? Or is it safe to drink ONCE IN A WHILE

(Running from stupidity) #22

Welcome to “it depends” world.

I wouldn’t, but I didn’t drink Coke, etc. of any description for decades before I went keto anyway because it’s either full of sugar, or some sugar substitute that’s probably even worse than sugar.

Others will.


@V1ncentt, if you’re drinking the almond milk not because of a dairy allergy but because regular milk has too many carbs, then you can add a Tbsp or two of hwc to it - makes it DECADENT. I get the completely unsweetened (no vanilla) and also use a serving or two of stevia and up to 1/4 tsp good salt. It really is good! I think if you have a dairy allergy you could add coconut milk/cream instead of hwc.


Pellegrino once a week, otherwise, water, decaff tea and coffee.
I also make a Keto Electrolyte drink I have after exercise (lemon
potassium, pink salt and magnesium).


Great idea! I need to try this.


In addition to what others have mentioned, sometimes I like to make homemade lemonade (or limeade) with erythritol.


Haha! :grinning:

Thanks- I’ll try that!