
(Robin) #1

Best cheat ever! Over Thanksgiving I went from ZC/Carnie to regular keto. Added veggies and some cheese. Heaven. With no problems. HAPPY DANCE! :vulcan_salute:

(Laurie) #2

Yup, veggies are nice. I can’t eat whole servings because of gut issues, but a taste is nice. And … it doesn’t lead to a binge!


Welcome back, even if only temporarily! When I did Carnivore I craved salads like nothing else!


I can’t really even say it is a cheat to yourself if you did well :slight_smile:

You just jumped plans…why…cause you could, and that actually is a great thing.

Being able to eat something else a bit in our daily lives on a holiday or vacation etc. is a good thing for alot of us and key is you did it, enjoyed your day, felt good eating that way and to me that is a win/win.

A ‘cheat’ is when you can’t do that easily, you don’t feel physically good doing it and then it leads to days to weeks eating all kinds of nasty junk cause we crave and go backward.

You got forward movement here :wink: Glad you are doing the Happy Dance :sunny: