(Bob M) #21

There are no RCTs showing any benefit to fiber. See this, for instance:

I think fiber is bad for you. I tried prebiotics and resistance starch for 5-6 months. Only detriments, no benefits. I tried multiple different probiotics, including “soil” types.


I heard Dr. Paul Mason explain that butyrate is created by some species of gut bacteria that digest fibre. It’s an argument for fibre in the diet.

But amino acids fuel other species of gut bacteria. They also generate butyrate.

(Brandi) #23

@Ifod14. Might I ask what fiber Supplement you use? I’m really having issues going TMI but I need a solution. Thanks in advance!


I change them up, typically I go with the generic store brands, I go for the green ones which are the ripoff of Benefiber. I just throw it it in a couple drinks a day and I’m usually good. I also sometimes through in an apple here and there which seems to help.

(Troy Mitchell) #25

I added psylium husk powder because I got so bound up going keto. I take a tablespoon every morning and now I have no issues. Some need it and some don’t.

(Brandi) #26

@lfod14 Thanks so much for the reply, I grabbed the Walmart brand.