Keto after cheat meal


(Stella Bojcic) #1

I was so good for many months until today which is when i had a takeout and ordered a wrong thing by accident! Im sick with flu and home alone, decided to have a delivery and instead of “skinny rice” (cauliflower rice) with chicken, I ordered noodles. Im not too well to cook today nor do I have money to waste so after a long debate of do i or do i not eat the noodles, I decided to eat it. I feel so guilty, so anxious and so disappointed with myself. Now Im wondering if the journey of entering ketosis is the same after a cheat meal as it was when i first started a keto diet? I used to eat a very high carb diet so Im wondering if the extra stored glucose i had back then vs not having any now apart from the noodles will mean itll take less time to enter ketosis? Or does that not matter? Also, how do i boost/faster enter ketosis? Im definiyely not exercising today as I wanna rest and recover from the flu


It seems to me that the biggest effect of the noodles is what you get mentally/emotionally :frowning: I wish I could share my “NEVER ever feeling guilty when eating off” mentality with you… I go off keto all the time since the beginning, it’s several years now. I can be disappointed in myself but guiltiness? It’s just food, how anyone can feel guilty, people are odd and not hedonistic enough… (Okay, eating ourselves into sickness is something one can be guilty about without I thinking it odd but when it’s just the occasional little thing… And it was noodles, not 2 packages of Timtams, that would be serious even for me… I did 20 slices of cakes once though but it was a cake competition with free cake so of course I ate it without remorse… Oh it’s fun ONCE :smiley: )

Erm sorry. So. I have read about it a lot and it seems that even in the first sacred times when one travels towards fat adaptation, going off isn’t some horrible thing that ruins everything. But afterwards it’s probably even less so. Sure, try to avoid eating off but if there is some good reason for it (I never throw out food so I would eat the noodles myself, they are kind of nice. I may throw out some stupid sugary thing I never liked) and you don’t even feel bad from it, an occasional off eating doesn’t seem bad enough to beat yourself up about it. Well, almost nothing seem bad enough to do so if you ask me. It doesn’t do anything better, just worse.
I can’t not mention the wisdom of KCKO: keep calm and keto on! Just go back to keto, it probably will be quite fine. it’s a little bump only. Something your body may handle easier now that you had little carbs recently (I am like that, very noticeably. I should avoid eating higher-carb day after day as that isn’t nice but one carbier day? feels pretty good). Though sometimes it’s the opposite.

You get into ketosis quickly again, you are a human, you can’t avoid that when barely eating carbs.

People do talk about keto being different for the first times and for the rest but I didn’t experience it and maybe it’s not after a single off meal. But I don’t know more about it. You still get into ketosis quickly again…

It is possible ketosis will come quicker, sure (but it’s not long either way). You have less carbs recently eaten so it gets used up quicker.

I never cared about getting into ketosis quicker as it’s such a short time anyway but if exercise is out, fasting longer should help. And eating as close to zero carb as possible, maybe though a few carbs hardly makes a big difference.

(Robin) #3

Hello and welcome! So sorry you’re sick.
After many months of eating keto, the accidental meal you ate should barely be a blip on your radar. Most of us have slipped up (often much worse) and nothing changes except we learn yet another lesson.
Feel better soon!

(Allie) #4

Forget it and move on.
One meal won’t hurt.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

This is not likely to be a long-term problem, unless the noodles end up triggering a carb binge.

However, for future reference, it was not necessary to eat the noodles, simply because they were there. Every alcoholic has to learn the equivalent in terms of liquor. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean having to drink it.

(Chuck) #6

There is no such thing as a cheat meal you choose to eat it. Enjoy it and go backto your normal routine. Life will go on,.

(Stella Bojcic) #7

Honestly, Im new here and after all these invalidating answers, I started losing hope but you seem to understand (carb binge eating trigger) and not to mention I needed to hear just because noodles were there, I did not need to eat them. I hope it doesnt trigger it as I have a binge eating disorder and only keto seems to help with it for some reason and keep me from obesity hence the freak out. I have had cheat meals in the past and those cheat meals turned into months or years until I was strong enough to be keto again! Thank you for that last comment as it has changed my mindset about slipping again. I will just repeat that to myself if i think of slipping again. Thank you again!


Oh it makes things a bit different… I can’t go back to higher-carb, off eating has no chance to keep me there, it just chases me back, the more carbs I eat, the quicker :wink:
But while I don’t consider it binge eating at all, I am very familiar with eating a ton especially when carbs are present and I have plenty of experience about how keto (and carnivore) changes things. Maybe if you can grab the fledging binge eating in the beginning and swap to good, satisfying, satiating, very low-carb keto food, it may help? It used to be quite hard for me to change gears when I already ate carbs but I still have some control and choosing my food well when I wish to eat much more for some reason helps a lot. Some items are harder to overeat. If you feel compelled to eat the wrong ones, that’s tough but eating the good ones first still may mitigate the problems…? I actually get the “I don’t care” and “let’s make worse decision” packet when I eat carbs first, that surely doesn’t help but experience, wanting good for ourselves, new better habits and a lot of other things can help even there. Eventually. I was a very slow learner myself but things still got better and it quickened up when I dropped my carbs even more.

For some of us, “it is there” is irresistible. It’s good if you can do something against it (even I can, I feed the less good stuff to my SO who handles it better anyway. I can’t throw out food, no exceptions as far as I know so that is no option for me at all. I avoid such situations as much as I can and my body has to handle the rest. but I do have serious talks and whatnot, health consciousness is powerful - but not powerful enough in weak moments. I need very strong good habits and a changed taste for those times).

Good luck! Be careful!

(Bob M) #9

Some people can eat a cheat meal or have a cheat day or two and be fine. Others can’t.

It’s like alcohol: some people simply cannot have any alcohol whatsoever.

If you fall into that camp, then a cheat meal or day isn’t going to be good.

(Eve) #10

I have noticed that l am losing my appetite for anything remotely sweet. Although l never did have much of a sweet tooth before keto WOE . And the rare times l have eaten something high carb and sweet, e.g. a slice of chocolate birthday cake, l really enjoyed it but was very happy to not have any more - I don’t miss it and no carb binges/cravings, were triggered. I think l am just lucky though!


I needed carnivore to lose my interest in sweet things, even keto carbs interfered.
I still often want my desserts but they needn’t to be very sweet. My very sweet is different from normal people. Cream is normally sweet, most fruits, some vegs and lactose free milk are very sweet.

(Joey) #12

@Stella_Bojcic Welcome to the forum!

Because we’re all different in our concerns, self-discipline, health state, mindset, etc., frankly, no one around here can tell you what’s next for you in your unique situation at this moment in your life.

It’s entirely up to you as to what happens next and how you feel about it.

Wishing you everything good and nothing but the best. Keep us posted. :vulcan_salute:

(Robin) #13

So sorry the answers felt invalidating. I can guarantee they were mean to be encouraging.
Yes, trigger carbs is a serious thing. And like most of our challenges, it’s an inside job.

I am betting on you!

(Alec) #14
  1. You sound well motivated! :+1:
  2. You ate some carbs in one meal
  3. The most important action is to be keto for your next meals… be strong and do not be deflected
  4. Learn from the experience… what did you do wrong, and what can you learn?
  5. Don’t sweat it… you are WAY ahead of 99% of people healthwise… just get back to it.
  6. Keep calm and keto on.

(Chuck) #15

Wheat and sugar is my triggers, and if you add milk chocolate then it is even worse.
And believe it or not Diet Coke can also be a trigger for me.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

You’re welcome. Another tip from the Twelve Step programmes is not to swear off carbs for ever, because that leads to a feeling of deprivation that just sets us up for a binge. Instead, tell yourself you can have all the carbs you want–tomorrow, just not right now. Just take things a day at a time; that usually works better.

I also have to note that although I found keto helped a lot with cravings, going zero-carb/carnivore has practically eliminated them. Even on keto, I would occasionally yield to temptation–and regret it. But on carnivore, I hardly notice the carbs, and if I do, the temptation is easy to ignore.

(Geoffrey) #17

Forget the mistake but remember the lesson.
I will not cheat simply because I refuse to put anything in my body that doesn’t provide nutrition. But that’s just me and how I choose to eat. I’m a glutinous addictive carb eater I have to have the mindset of never again just like I did when I quit dipping snuff 17 years ago. Never again.
The great beauty of all of this for me is that I’ve lost all craving for any and all carbs and all I eat now is meat products.


This attitude helps with plenty of carby items but not all. I ate wonderfully nutritious carby meals last weekend…
Keto has items with low to zero nutrition and plenty of carby food has high nutrition…
I skip the low nutrition items, usually, no matter my woe. I don’t think I have many low nutrition options on carnivore though :smiley: But on keto, I ate sweets all the time. They were highly nutritious, sure but the sweetener part wasn’t proper food. Just a helper so it had its role…
I don’t see why is wrong to eat low nutrition food as long as we get all the nutrition we need from our other food. I don’t drink alcohol to get nutrients either, still wouldn’t give it up (even though it would be very easy as it’s so very little and occasional and I don’t need it. but it would bother me to make a bad deal, not winning anything but losing a tiny joy and freedom). My teas aren’t nutritious either and there is coffee…
And of course, fruit. I don’t consider them nutritious, they are just (usually juicy) natural candy but I love them and keep them. It doesn’t mean I eat them all the time, that wouldn’t mix with my carnivore plans and I don’t have that kind of inclination anymore… But I definitely eat for joy too, not only for nutrition.

(Marianne) #19

Please let it go and stop beating yourself up. It happened. Don’t feel shame about it. You learned how deviating from your plan makes you feel, physically and emotionally. Take care of yourself and pick up where you left off. Stay off the scale!, restore your balance and let the days pass without obsessing about what happened.

We’re here and in your corner - and we have been there ourselves!

(Allie) #20

Exactly this.
Giving yourself a hard time is exactly what is likely to cause you the issues you want to avoid. Physically one carby meal will have negligible effects, it the mental hell you give yourself that will cause the problem. Put it behind you and move on.