Just started keto and feel constantly hungry. Any suggestions?

(Bunny) #22

It even gets more interesting with soil based probiotics, soil contains hundreds of billions microbes you cannot reproduce in a laboratory and hormones that attract hormones (yes soil has hormones) which in turn attracts just the right amount of microbes that attach themselves to the roots of plants or sometimes enter the plant itself through the roots (which the roots themselves secrete a hormone to attract these certain soil based hormones and microbes) to protect the plant and some of these microbes even create a protective barrier between the plant and the soil called bio-film to protect it from other bacteria and fungus that would otherwise harm it!

In the same sense that’s what’s missing from the innate symbiosis verses the modernized version* of the human gut flora microbiota (gut bugs) and is not the same stuff (probiotics; that have serious immunological properties and other implications) you get at your local health food store? Not surprisingly our ancestors actually ate the deeper ground soil dirt besides what we today consider food[1][2]?

*footnote: …separation from nature i.e. contact with the deeper dirt/soil or excessive-fortification: sterilization of the environment…

Not sure if I just tried to delete my own post by accident but copied what I just wrote just in case…lol


[1] Maybe obese people should just go eat dirt, study says

[2] Eating dirt can be good for the belly, researchers find

Interesting article on The Personal Fat Threshold Concept (by Amy Berger)
An academic argues that agriculture arose to increase the supply of addictive substances
(Michelle) #23

When I first started I kept a couple boiled eggs and Baby Bel cheeses (pocket cheese :cheese::cheese::wink:) with me all the time.
The first couple weeks when I was feeling hungry between meals I just had an egg or some cheese. I knew of I did not keep fatty carb free food with me it was be so tempting to grab a quick carby snack. People would laugh at me because I had pocket cheese with me always. Then as I became more fat adapted the feeling of hunger slowly stopped being an issue and I was no longer temped by the Carbage.

(Nica) #24

Sounds like my students years although I either had carrot sticks or tomatoes and boiled eggs. Yeah, they’d laugh at me too and call me rabbit.
I’ve been adding a bit more oils and ghee to my meals since yesterday and it seems to be heaving a slight effect or have 1 tbsp of coconut oil/ghee as a snack (it sounds weird I guess but I kinda like it).

(Claire Ditzel) #25

I had to add more fat. MCT and heavy cream to coffee. Blenderize to make it frothy. Eat more bacon, I buy sugar free at Walmart also can get at Aldis. These helped decrease my hunger and also increase ketosis.