Just bought this apple cider vinegar: any comments?


@Alecmcq and I were just saying how we prefer it straight up. So if its safe I would drink it that way.

(Alec) #23

I had it both diluted and neat yesterday. Definitely prefer it neat, but if there is an additional risk, rather defeats the purpose of taking it! :thinking:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #24

I will be interested to see more replies on this topic. I have no desire to drink it straight, but then again I used to ignore all the dire internet warnings about drinking lemon juice straight, and suffered no ill effects. I also ignore the warnings about applying ACV directly to the skin. Dilute, dilute, wash off after a few minutes, etc. Every few months I apply it straight to my face, and go to sleep. After about a week I get an effect approaching a peel at the dermatologistā€™s.

(Leigh Thomas) #25

I wonā€™t buy it as Woolworths have removed the Mother brand and trying to force people on to their own home brand. I have now found a place locally that sells Braggs ACV.

(Garry (Canada)) #26

Consuming ACV or lemon juice on a daily basis diluted in 500ml of water is no more detrimental to enamel than eating a salad with salad dressing each day. The key is DON"T sip the damn thing all day long, and DONā€™T consume it straight like shots.

Each day I consume a 500ml water bottle loaded with:
20ml of ACV (Large TBSP)
20ml of fresh lemon juice (Large TBSP)
1/4tsp Windsor Half salt
1/4tsp Costco Pink salt

I would have no issue using the ACV @Alecmcq mentioned.


But what if I only like it straight? I noticed a video where Ken Berry says his wife just drinks it from the bottle. Then 2 fit docs drank it straight (but there was A LOT of comments on their video giving them crap for it. Iā€™m really curious what the deal is.

(KCKO, KCFO) #28

I like it straight up, but it really can be rough on teeth enamel and your esophagus. Since I have it daily, I do dilute it, 2 Tablespoons to 6-8 oz of water. If you only had a one off shot, say once a week, it would probably not be a problem.

It is a great addition to ketoaide drinks and like water, pink salt and ACV mixture when I fast. Enjoy.

(KetoQ) #29

ACV can be beneficial, but only if you do it right.


(Troy) #30

Agree! Yup
Works for me

Since my ACV Cocktail is in the evening
I Just drink through a straw then rinse w warm water
Then Take care of my brushing the not so pearly whites lateršŸ˜ƒ
Darn u coffee!! :rofl:


Yes anytime you have anything acidic do not brush immediately after. This is a common problem among bulimics and those with morning sickness, they hit the porcelin and then want to get rid of the sensation through brushing, big mistake. Usually with morning sickness you are advised to have some milk or in our case, cream after