Oh yes I have these smart plans myself… It’s scary how brainless I can act sometimes when the circumstances aren’t right and things add up… At least I know that I MUST have something good to eat all the time, I just forget and get optimistic, oh I have this and that, it should be enough and I will cook later anyway… And I get hungry too early or suddenly get bored of some of what I have and the rest just isn’t enough… I still can make something quick but if there is something tempting and ready even if it’s not the right food for me, things can go awry. I have my allies, my taste, my knowledge, sometimes determination, habits to some extent… But there is the other side. I don’t always stop thinking when hungry. But if I have a bunch of nice meat, that helps tremendously (except when I get bored of meat but it’s a smaller and smaller problem as time passes).
My problem with boredom that my hunger doesn’t wait. I need a change, no problem, I have options, I just need to defrost and cook a bit… But if I want food NOW because I happened to get bored of meat in the end of a meal (and I can’t stomach it anymore, no matter how hungry I am), it’s not enough.
I have these baking phases too… Carnivore baking can be frustrating when I am not into sponge cake and quiche. So few powders or finely ground things to use… Even keto baking has its shortcomings when I want tasty, crunchy cookies… But I won’t give up.
This weekend isn’t carnivore for me, by the way, I actually expected it but some extra factors came into play… I am indulgent a bit as it’s still holiday for my SO and it affects me and compared to the previous weeks, my first January days were pretty good…
But I really try to do better (everything, not just food) starting with Monday. Not like I plan anything bad for tomorrow but I will taste Alvaro’s deer dish again and it’s not carnivore. It’s better than usual, my problem item is balanced out with another and the result is pleasant and the deer is so very tender! Not chewy at all.
Today was good meat wise, I had very lean pork (trimmed green ham, it was pretty good, interesting), pork chuck (after all the green ham and pork loin I ate in 2024, it’s super fatty! good but unnecessarily fatty. or did I mention it already?), deer (I grabbed some for myself too but it was chewier fried than cooked for a long time in liquid), even a little smoked cooked pork belly… I ate a nice amount of meat today, it was quite enjoyable. But I stopped tracking. I will do that on very simple days only…
Cute carnivore(-ish but it’s quite strict in my books, I just had spice and a tiny condiment!) OMAD day for today! Guesstimation says 1600 kcal, around 130g protein, 8g carbs. It is PERFECTION. I don’t expect this to last long but I can appreciate one day too!
Oh it was good! I had almost no green ham left (Alvaro needed something too and we are sparing mode) so I cut 2 slices of pork loin, still such a big piece was left for roasting! And I had some pork chuck too. Honestly, I barely could tell them apart, this is NOT a light pork loin! Wonderful fat layers, NOT only on top as usual! And freshly fried, oh my, it was great! Had a smallish peasant’s breakfast and some golden milk too because if I have NO coffee, at least have me that today! Mine isn’t like the normal recipes, much less spice. I always drink it savory, added a yolk to balance out the almost zero milk (powder) in it…
And I was really into sour cream today, no problem with such occasional days… I could afford it along my leanish meat… Even if it felt fatty to me… I have changed SO much, my ideal fattiness definitely shifted a lot - if it’s not about processed meats as 80-98% still works there if it’s the right item… But I had much processed meat lately (can’t be helped if we cook a huge pork hock and Alvaro decides he had too much meat lately AND we have a 600g pork belly to eat too… Both are among my top favs but still, I don’t like to overdo this type, it just doesn’t feel good.
I didn’t want to write this much… No photo, it’s a chore and I was really hungry!
532g meat (55g processed), nice! It was enough, I got some vague stop sign before the last bites but I didn’t just stop there… I started with my meat and didn’t enjoy my scrambled eggs so much (it wasn’t bad though, far from it, I used tasty cheese and sour cream on it as always), next time I will try to swap the order.
I expect a bit more meat tomorrow, no eggy plans and wonderful pork loin roast… But we will see. I don’t have many other options so it must be meaty. If I need a break, I only can do a fat fast day, I couldn’t very very heavily rely on eggs and dairy even in the times when I ate much of them and I am glad I am fine with little, don’t want to go back!
But I still may make a bunch of sponge cakes, to be safe if I manage to get bored of my meat, no matter how lovely it is.
It’s exciting! I plan to use ALL my knowledge and strength and everything I need to make it last. Carnivore with lunch skipping. Ideally OMAD but only if I can actually do it without forcing it.
I want to see what will happen and learn about myself more! Some experiments should be done too… IDK what kind yet, carnivore OMAD is already pretty much an experiment… Well, it’s “how much pork loin I can eat for my meal” experiment tomorrow if I think about it…
We have unusually warm days now. Most of Hungary had 10-15 Celsius this afternoon! I just want sunshine. We got warm air without sunshine
Glad you had such a good carnivore OMAD day! Sounds like a good plan
We have opposite weather in the UK at the moment, at least where I am. Cold like 1-5 degrees but some sunshine today! It’s been grey and raining most of the week so it made a nice change.
Checking in, still sticking to my dirty carnivore plan. Eggs for brunch and a pile of meat for dinner, with a spoonful of leeks and butter for flavour.
I’m back to being a bit bored now the drama of the nut butter incident is over, but I feel physically much better and I haven’t been oversleeping as much. I had so much restless energy yesterday I walked for like 4 hours and today i’m a bit wearier! I always find I get the restless energies when I dip back into ketosis after a carb load.
Tapering on my meds is going okay, i’m alternating dosage days and i have noticed i get zonked out and sleep at like 9pm on the higher dosage days. I’m crying a lot, it feels like a comedown but i did feel a few moments of good feelings so I think it’s just my emotions coming back online. Can’t have the happy without the sad i guess. And probably a whole bunch of unprocessed emotions from the year and a half i’ve been on these meds catching up me. I’m doing a slow taper so i’ll be down from 12.5mg to 10mg by the end of jan, and then moving onto dropping to 7.5mg in feb. Slow and steady so far has meant no withdrawal symptoms other than the weeping, which doesn’t make me much fun to be around but is cathartic.
I’m still dealing with hunger as a med side effect so the next step of the plan is to swap out cheese snacking for egg snacking. I find I can eat cheese if i’m bored, but i only want to eat eggs if i’m actually hungry, so hoping it will help bring my snacking under control until i can lower my meds to the point where im not artificially hungry.
I’m also toying with the idea of dropping added butter and forcing my body to rely on my own fat as i have plenty of body fat, but it sort of goes against my aim to keep my keto macros of at least 60% calories from fat, so I’m gonna start with the egg plan and ponder dropping the butter if i’m still struggling with overeating.
Got a 1.5kg piece of beef stewing for tonight’s dinner! I can eat about 400g a portion of dense lean beef, so i’ll be eating beef for a few days
Barely any sunshine but the long sleeved shirt was way too hot on my walk… Alvaro wished to be able to go to work in shorts and t-shirt but his workplace is too cold for it. So he had to run too warmly dressed.
Meanwhile we need pullovers in 18-20 Celsius inside but we don’t move much there! (I often take off a layer when I am on my feet and I had to wear summer clothes for my workout right after my walk!
I ate some super fatty pork loin. Alvaro chose lean parts as usual, I started with the fatty ones but I just can’t eat that fatty, I left some pieces, they will give me lard and scratchings. It’s odd when very lean meat meats pure fat tissue… Chuck does the same level of fattiness much better. But it was still very nice!
I got hungry and had lunch too but a small one and it worked this time! Just some leftovers, 2 eggs and a cheese whisp (oh it’s just as good as ever!).
And I had pork loin roast for dinner and some sponge cake buns for dessert. I am so good at super soft baking, crispy is the harder one though very very fresh sponge cakes have that too.
Today (this far but with a meaty not very small dinner I may pull it a 2MAD) ended up even lower-cal than yesterday’s dinner, well we will see…? I am satiated now.
I don’t have such items (lean meat was like that but I couldn’t even eat it in proper amounts when hungry… and I have changed)… I can even eat liver when I don’t like it very much without any hunger, I have skills… But meat is best to give me satiation, maybe even a stop sign and pretty good macros so I go for very meaty days! Even meatier than it was today or yesterday.
Oh I forgot to write before, about 500g meat for today! And potentially a bit little protein (it depends how I track my pork loin, pork loin or chuck… I chose to do half and half, it’s fatty but not pork chuck fatty, what I had as far as I can tell) so I may have a bite in a few minutes. I definitely welcome more food and I have tasty things. I think about another sponge cake bun with a bite of cheese.
But tomorrow I will try to focus on meat. I ate most of the processed meats (that isn’t in the freezer. I have A LOT in it, December had awesome sales and I like variety), I need a break…
But eggs still have a special role. It’s good to have some boiled ones (one of my least beloved way to eat eggs but it’s still nice and it’s awesome for hungry me) for emergencies! And I definitely can’t overeat them, well I can along with everything else but I never desire more than 1-2 at once unless if they are fresh and warm (it’s the case when I love them) or when I am really hungry. But even then, I don’t go very far. If I eat 12 eggs, that happens during a longer eating window using multiple very different egg dishes. I can’t even eat 12 yolks in ice cream and ice cream is creamy and nice even if I don’t desire it on carnivore. (I can eat maybe 1-2, actually. Even if it is almost only yolk. Never tried to chase away my hunger with it, though, it’s the dessert.)
As I wrote, my satiation just got bigger and bigger. I kinda feel full now. A step more and I won’t like it but I doubt that will come. Good dinner. Now I wanna know how much meat I can eat if I only have that (or almost) and it’s a dinner OMAD… That’s tomorrow’s experiment plan.
Nice! I roasted 1700g pork loin, I expect it to last for 3 days even if Alvaro eats some too as I can’t just eat this, I need something fattier too!
I can’t help circumstances and my desire to use up the leftover cream force me to make liver tomorrow… But pâté can be very fatty! And I have sponge cake buns now and they are amazing with butter and 42% fat (in weight) dry sausage…
And… I probably need another very high protein day again…? I can’t just squeeze it below 200g all the time! I just do a fat fast day afterwards to balance things out…
I should peacefully digest instead of being hyperfocused on food, right? But it’s nice to think and write
about food after a very very good dinner
I think it’s normal to think about food all the time when you’re doing the cooking! Sounds like some tasty dishes
The sponge cake things intrigue me. I have thought about making some cloud cakes but i think i’ll wait till i’m maintaining or get super bored. Beef is fine for now. Our freezer is full of lamb from the december sales! And got some frozen pork and beef stew. Just need to get some fresh chicken. Enjoy the pork loin!
But I think about food not only when I make or eat it… Much, much more.
Only egg (and sometimes vinegar to keep it fluffy to avoid soggy bottoms but I am not sure how much it helps) sponge cakes are wonderful if you ask me! It’s my carnivore bread. And so simple, I just omit thing, didn’t add anything It’s very soft but that’s not a problem. Good for sandwiches I never really liked traditional sandwiches, it was a big upgrade for me.
Interesting. I never managed to “force” like that, generous dietary fat was always necessary for my body fat loss. I started low carb experiments in 2004. Many others need the added fat,too.
I still have those “Fat-add-habits” like butter and coconut oil in my coffee right now. Or an olive oil bottle in my car and in my workroom.
Please report your results. We are individuals after all.
That’s my gut intution too, that lowering the added fat will just make me miserable and hungry without leading to fat loss. I’m not sure i’m actually brave enough to try no added fat!
That said, there is a theory that added fat is unnessecary for the obese, once you’ve fat adapted. It’s been years since i read the science but i remember reading that we can access about 1% or 30 calories per pound of our bodyfat stores a day for calories, so if I have about 100lbs of fat, i can access 100x30=3000 calories a day max, so more than my bmr. Whereas before my meds helped make me obese, i probably had about 20lbs of fat (just a guess but i weighed 115lbs) so i would have only been able to access 20x30=600 calories, way less than my bmr. I have no idea if this way of thinking is accurate, but i remember it being mentioned before to explain why added fat is more important if you’re lean and why fasting is harder/slows the metabolism more. That fasting is more for health benefits than weight loss at a lower weight.
I’ve only been back on consistent keto for 7 weeks, nut butter blip aside, so I wouldn’t be confident that my body can comfortably use my bodyfat efficiently enough to manage no added fat. I think if at 6 months consistent keto my weight hasn’t shifted then i would consider doing no added fat days as an experiment.
It’s definitely a reserve option but i think my main weight loss plan is going to be alternating 2MAD and OMAD to start with, and managing calories that way. Like, is it even worth eating food without butter? Maybe an exaggeration but butter is love, butter is life
First things first, I need to reduce my meds so i’m not artificially ravenous all the time. I was planning to make a separate thread of my n=1 experience of reducing my meds and tapering experiments and impact on ketosis, mental health, metabolism and weight loss, to keep those more separate from this thread, but there will be some crossover here.
I guess if we’re jumping into january fat first, for now i’m still buttering up!
My problem with this statement (I know it’s part of it but that’s not the point) that added fat intake and fat intake has not much to do with each other. I use close to no added fat most of the time since ages (well not if we count fatty dairy… but that’s not strictly added fat, it is? I just consider it as one and try to avoid it but it is harder than for normal added fat) but it never stopped me going way over 200g fat sometimes. Okay, much added fat means much fat as it part of it but that’s it.
(I use close to zero added fat for my 90% fat days too. A tiny bit of butter is lovely but all the other fat must come from my not fully fat foods. Thankfully it’s very easy to buy way over 90% fat pork.)
And it’s complex anyway. Yes, an obese person has their own fat to use but the body doesn’t always work like that. My own body hates deficits and I need to trick it to have a tiny one. I definitely don’t lose fat without a deficit, I did so much low-carb, keto and even carnivore(-ish) where I had plenty of fat and I never lost any - except when I managed to eat little for a while. I always lose fat then, even if I eat sugar, there is no difference, it’s about calories for me, apparently. (I know “calorie” is vague but it works well enough for me.) But if I add carbs, I must add fat too so overeating is pretty much is a given, sometimes subtly (2500 kcal), sometimes epically (4000 kcal. my energy need always were somewhere around 2000 as far as I can tell. well when I was this heavy and younger, it was higher as I lost fat with 2000 kcal on normal days and a bit more on weekends or whenever I couldn’t handle eating only that little. but I enjoyed those times, I ate as little as I could but it didn’t feel restrictive. I don’t do restrictive except for a fun experiment. restrictive here means what I feel restrictive in a negative way. just severely limiting my food options is fine and dandy if I don’t want anything else anyway. I couldn’t do carni otherwise. but I have the best foods here I may miss certain textures here and there and there are temptations anyway but not always. January is a great month for carnivore).
My body has its obsession with numbers for some reason, I don’t even know why, makes little sense, I am a living being influenced by way too many factors… So tracking and eating according to a few rules helps a lot.
Even so… I first and foremost follow my desires when I have any. I never ever stopped eating because my planned macros (I have vague ranges and limits. and one target, protein = 130g. I am a tad flexible even there but really just a tad. I almost never can go lower and it’s wasteful to go higher. but fine now and then especially if I happened to neglect meat for a while and suddenly want a lot. but I don’t really do that anymore, I have learned to eat enough meat in some years) and I am not good with forcing extra food either (main reason is that I almost never need that, more like the opposite but as I can’t force going hungry, that’s unfortunate…). But in good times and with good knowledge and food choices I am finally there. I should be able to eat right and first after so many years, to lose fat as well. At least I think so. Years passed so I don’t know how my body functions though I am pretty sure it can’t make energy from nothing - but it’s true for everyone and some still maintains a fat body with almost no food. The human body is quite amazing though not always in a good way. I don’t think mine is like that but it surely loves maintenance. I ate a lot and sometimes very carby in December and of course gained nothing, it’s my skill. Maybe not of course, I remember that I did gain once after a carby period. Usually not though. In my high-carb times I had some insane Decembers with epic overeating and still gained nothing. Sugary overeating all year long (I am pretty sure I ate more fat I eat now)? 1kg per year at most and stopping a bit above 80kg. I never could go higher. I still can’t. Yeah, I probably didn’t gain in December because I am already 80kg. Too bad I was fat at 62kg too (I wanna go back to that I was there and didn’t appreciate it as I still looked fat and then shock gain and whatnot happened. I still don’t normally gain but sometimes I do and it added up in several years. I gained very easily when I was below 69. my body LOVED that weight. until the shock gain happened and it never went away), just my belly but it’s my most problematic part. I blame my easy maintenance (at least when I am fat but I never was not fat after 2 years old), it’s because that I happily overeat for decades so my energy need seems and feels little food now. Except on carnivore if I haven’t too many meals. I probably would have stayed fat forever without carnivore, not like I lost any fat this far but I surely will. And whatever happens, I don’t do it for mere fat-loss, it’s a win either way. So I am patient as I sacrifice nothing, I do what feels best.
I wrote too much again But at least at the right time, between getting hungry and eating. Too bad it’s before lunch. I won’t do OMAD today - but yesterday’s TMAD was great and I plan today to be similar.
We have wonderful sunshine and I have oversleeping headache. It’s crazy, I wake up at the right time but go back to sleep. I am not fully awake and can’t comprehend I WANT to get up… Too low energy or subconsciously not wanting to face reality or something. I will do my best to change it. Nothing helps with oversleeping headache, only time. Lots of time. And headache make me want to drink coffee. I resisted for long, had a tiny one in the end. It was nice. So I had 2 coffeeless days. It’s still more than my usual zero… And I don’t want to go back to regular coffee drinking. It’s not tempting.
I don’t remember the formula but I met that too. It seems to be true for many but not for all. Many people can’t do EF when their bodyfat can’t provide them with their energy need - but some can do it just fine and not just for 1-2 days. There must be some individual factor too… After all, some people can’t do even IF even if they eat plenty in their eating window.
So in the end, theory is one thing but we should figure out what our own individual body can and willing to handle. Mine truly feels like something with an own will… I KNOW it should be able to handle something and it just refuses Sigh. I may be mentally very ready but I get some serious physical symptom and must eat. I don’t know if it’s still true but it was ~15 years ago. Sometimes not eating for a day (40+ hours) came naturally, other times a lowish-cal day caused problems. It’s just too complex, I can’t figure it out, I may have an educated guess, my body is somewhat predictable - but sometimes my guess is totally off and I don’t know why.
Most definitely if the food has enough fat to begin with, whatever that means for the one in question
Butter is great indeed but it’s possible to live without it I say. But it’s me, I always kept butter low, never avoided it for longer term (could but it wouldn’t be good for anything) and I have my personal favs. Like sour cream and cream - but I minimize those too. I just got used to that. I even “lost” most of my eggs. As soon as I was able to eat enough meat in my very few meals (the more meals I have, the less meaty my diet gets due to my excessive need for variety), I could go very low with eggs and dairy. I still need some but a fragment of my previous intake is enough on most days. I even can do very low cheese now but it’s a useful item and we always have a selection… And I am a hedonist, not an asceta… I don’t say no to some tempting joy when I don’t need to.
I may do a short experiment though… But not now, my meat is way too low-cal at the moment.
That’s such a horrible side effect I hope you will be successful to undo that soon.
Enjoy your butter In moderation. Not like I do as I had 11g butter this week (it probably stays there) and only because I seriously lacked calories but don’t eat too much of it! But enjoy every grams I just ate it and hoped for not getting hungry at night (success!), next time I will savor it as I normally do!
Sounds like we are in similar situations. I keep reading theories (too much) as well, I can eat any imaginable way really. But now I still trust fat based on my past. And I sort of trust calories,too, trying to get enough. We can always change to try differently.
I´m not well adapted yet ( six weeks, high ketones) and I´m cutting my meds ( BP lower and statin OFF ). I even ordered some NAC!
My poor doctor is going to hate me. Seriously,I´ve had enough of feeling so badly underpowered and weak and heavy. Right now I feel I´m on the right track. And my waist has shrunk, weight not so much I think. I did not weigh when I started.
I had lunch as I was hungry and a bit miserable (headache) and fancied the food I made before as well. Chicken liver, sponge cakes and sour cream for dessert (I am brave with my fatty favs now that my main meats are lean. I don’t add it just to raise my fat intake, I really enjoyed it).
Dinner will be pork loin.
Great! Your doctor will survive, he should understand you are your main priority Actually, they should be glad you feels better…
Oh that’s the main thing! My waist is very reluctant to change even when I actually lose fat. Of course, when I have lost 20kg, it affected my waist too but not very much. I was 62kg, how much should I lose to have a remotely okay waist, I didn’t want to be thin, just more normal… I am short but 163cm, not 145! 62kg must be close to my “ideal” even with little muscles and I had some. I hope I have a bit more now. I am curious if I will look better at 62kg next time I should. I put some effort into muscle gain though I see it’s not so great. And it wasn’t lack of energy, I ate a lot, my workouts could have been better. But I didn’t stop for good, it’s something.
Wasn’t very hungry at dinner but ate pork loin, about the amount I had in my very original plans (but I didn’t eat certain items). I didn’t want the last piece but wasn’t hard to eat it. But I really had enough.
And now guesstimation (I still need 2 measurements but I am very close anyway) says I had about 1200 kcal and 100g protein from my 2 meals. (I tracked my pork loin as pork loin as the fatty parts were mostly chewy and the cats ate them.)
It seems carnivore satiation kicked in…
I am very very satiated now, maybe even full and I usually don’t like that.
We will see.
But I want to be more active tomorrow. Today I only had two small walks. I don’t lift with a headache. I could have done some other exercises though… Maybe later. Too full and lazy now. I am a dragon and a lion, I am not active after a meaty meal (Not like I know much about dragon behaviour after a meal, mind you.)
About 380g meat for today and it was my main food by far…
Oh to be full! I haven’t felt satitation since I’ve been on antipsychotic meds since summer 2023 and it’s driving me mad. Tapering down dosage is going well though so i’m hopeful i’ll get my mind and body back at some.point this year.
That’s wonderful that your body is telling you you’ve had enough meat and two walks a day is good!
I think waist js a good indicator of metabolic health and more reliable than weight. Congratulations on the process! I hope your med adjustment is going well.
I’ve managed to maintain my waist and hip size, which is an achievement on my meds. I’m impatiently waiting for the always hungry feeling to die down as i taper on my meds. I got used to being slim on carnivore. I hate being obese. My body feels wrong when.i exercise, heavy and sluggish. I know the meds make me insulin resistant as well as hungry, so i’m remaining hopeful i’ll feel more like myself soon and the weight will melt off again. I am not a patient person though so i am dojng my best to practice gratitude. I have decent health and the support and time to taper off my meds, so i am grateful for the gift of a safe space to be able to do that.
About to stuff my face with some eggs and then got duck legs for dinner tonight! Been ages since i had duck legs, excited for the fatty goodness
Thanks it does feel like i’m banging my head against a brick wall some days. I’m used to being able to fast effortlessly on keto to lose weight, and having excess energy that makes me want to exercise. Whereas on these damned meds i have to constantly fight the urge to eat and cajole myself into going for walks. Gotta keep the faith that i can feel like my old self if i take the taper slowly and safely!
When I have two, they are both small ones… But it’s much better than 1 or even zero small ones
Today I cycled and had my usual 45-50min walk! Good. I should have done the second half of my full body workout (I am still unable to do it all on the same day… and I skip shoulders as it’s still painful. I always try to do it but it’s bad so I stop. all the other exercises are fine though I use smaller weight for chest press, my shoulders have problems there too but much less)… But I still did more than average. The weather wasn’t nice but it didn’t rain and we had things to do and then I missed walking… Alvaro exercised and it made me exercise too, thankfully.
Still? That’s horrible It’s good you have persevarence because you need it. Hopefully it won’t take much more long… Gratitude is a great thing to have, it can give some peace of mind.
Enjoy your duck legs! I keep seeing wonderful duck sales, one day I will buy some but it has some conditions… We go to the city so rarely and then we often have other ideas and it’s not like the tiny freezer have space for a duck after a big shopping… But the time will come! I don’t know what to expect, I have nice memories about duck from my childhood but I have tried it twice since and that wasn’t so great. But I still think duck is a nice food to have.
I could use that Carnivore always gives me nice benefits but high energy is never one of them. It may even help with energy but it’s a very tiny difference… Maybe I should do it longer at a time but that’s not so realistic for me (yet?).
I have strayed in various ways (especially OMAD, that never happened again…) since the forum was down, I will take it more seriously again… Despite the lack of my normal pork at the moment. I only have some not very great pork shoulder roast left (next time I will make a stew from it, it’s good for that. for fried or roasted pork, I like the taste of loin, chuck and green ham more and they are leaner too! well some fatty meat wouldn’t be bad as I lack lard at the moment…). Good thing I have pork heart and this and that… And Alvaro has cooked a young rabbit today. But it’s for two and I suspect it’s like chicken, not substantial enough anyway. This far I had some pork shoulder and sausage (the rabbit dish wasn’t ready yet) and we bought 60 eggs after a very egg sparing week! So I will be okay but I am waiting for my proper pork on Tuesday (the town supermarket will get pork then, the village supermarket was useless, I couldn’t buy any. that ~7kg pork they had was expensive and not fresh. it was their only meat if we don’t count some frozen stuff. like chicken gizzards. not expensive but the chewy half would go to the cats… I never buy gizzards. totally edible though, I ate it in soups when Grandma killed a chicken… I miss the fried blood, that was good stuff).
I stopped tracking, will go back when I manage to eat simple. On Monday, hopefully when my first meal won’t happen until 3pm and I go back to some very proper carnivore(-ish but it’s very little extra with a good reason for me), at least that’s the plan.
I probably will eat more stews, I had so much fried and roasted pork lately… It’s great but maybe some variety will be good. And I always loved stews and I just don’t eat them anymore for some reason… Fried and roasted pork is easier, good and carnivore while stews must have a little onion but why should that bother me…? I did worse all the time… I don’t understand myself sometimes. I may try out non-Hungarian stews one day but lots of paprika and little onion sounds the best…
When the forum was done and I couldn’t find an okay forum, I googled and found out that our “eat more pork” campaign has its 13th year now! They asked for a good new slogan, the winner gets a new fridge and 100000HUF worth (not so much but something) Mangalica things Articles always say Europe mostly goes to the opposite direction, less meat eating and less pigs, well we eat much more pork than before the campaign (32-33kg per year raised from 22kg) and we keep more pigs than before. It turned out we have some institute regarding nutrition and its guideline has a decent amount of meat. I need to read about these things as I live under a rock and even ads can’t really reach me. I just see the sales and items in supermarkets. But even I couldn’t stay ignorant about Veganuary (I saw that twice) oh and it’s some world carnivore month too?
I deleted part of my comment before but I think I keep this, the forum is back and I wanted to write about these things, I am pretty sure I will be less in the near future. I can live without writing way too much on this forum. But I may continue wax poetry about my pork here and there, I can’t get bored of that.
My injured foot is officially healed! As I used my bicycle after several months and finally it doesn’t hurt! Awesome. It took too many months but I am finally okay. I will try not to run in sandals or slippers when the grass is wet or snowy… I once fell in my good shoes last year but that did nothing. I will look up strengthening my ankles, they don’t even feel good enough to me. 2 injuries in a few years, both causing mobility problems for several months, it’s bad. I could still walk, sure but with serious difficulties for a long time. I would rather break a wrist except I don’t want to go to hospital, I need my right hand (I am extremely right handed) and my left one already has metal in it, breaking it wouldn’t be pretty I suppose… But a broken wrist takes only a few weeks to heal, it’s not painful even during that time and doesn’t really interfere with my life either. Maybe I was lucky. (Of course I didn’t allow a cast, that would have been barbaric. I had an alternative option, it worked perfectly.)
The rabbit was… Nice, I guess… It is so very mild flavored, similar to chicken. Pleasant but I am more into flavorful pork! Oh I forgot, I have even deer in the freezer! That’s very nice too, I don’t know what to do with it yet, it’s 600g only. Lean, of course, cut into cubes. It would make a super tiny stew alone but it’s still an option.
I am so into egg sparing that eating some didn’t cross my mind yet. I will do it tomorrow!
I love a good stew! It’s a common dinner for me, about 400g beef or pork with a little leek, garlic and apple cider vinegar for flavour. I adore paprika but nightshades trigger an autoimmune response for me so i have to avoid them unless i’m travelling and have no choice. Smoked paprika is my favourite spice!
I’m glad to hear your foot has healed! That much be such a relief
I think pork is my favourite meat, are you entering the slogan competition? I love fatty pork, i could eat pork chops all day. I think i like duck legs better than whole duck. If you cook them at 160C for 90minutes they go gooey and crispy and delicious. It’s been years since i’ve had rabbit or deer! I think gamey stuff lends itself to a good stew with some onion or garlic.
I’d say I notice I get energy about 5-7 days of strictish carnivore keto. It seems like I only get it if I avoid plants that trigger an autoimmune response and stick to less than 25g carbs and get at least 60% calories from fat. The exception is if i do one day higher carb but stay less than 100g, i get a boost of energy but any more than one higher carb day and my energy crashes, and even one day of more than 25g sets off my carb cravings so it doesnt seem worth it.
I’ve been experimenting with dandelion root coffee recently, taking it out of my diet and then adding it back in. other than garlic, cucumber, leek and apple cider vinegar i am 100% animal foods, so i wanted to see if taking it out helped my eczema. It did and my stubborn eczema started healing! I added it back in and got red and peeling again with some allergy bumps on my wrist. Stopped the dandelion root coffee again and my eczema is healing again.
Dandelion is in the daisy family, so i will avoid all plants in that family. It includes echinacea, chamomile, artichokes and even lettuce!
So my total safe plants list remains small at leeks, garlic, onions (the onion family of plants), apples/apple cider vinegar, and cucumbers. Logic says if cucumbers are fine then the curcubits family including courgette should he ok, so courgette is next on my list of reintroductions. At some point i want.to test black pepper so it’s easier to eat out as a lot of restaurant hurgers have pepper in even if they’re gluten free. Oh and i am fine with rice but i only have it as rice flour in supplements so a miniscule amount. My intentions is still to eat animal foods for food and plants for flavour, but it’s good to understand what’s safe to eat when travelling, and i have tried with and without the leeks/cucumber and my gut is much happier with about 50g plant soluble fibre a day.
The latest drop in medicine dose seems to be giving me some restless energy, so i have done some lunges and pressups today. Hopefully i’ll get out for a morning walk tomorrow. I do at least one walk in the local park a day, and if i have the energy i go out earlier as well and a do a lap or two of the local high street.
I did notice I actually felt a tiny bit full today! I was still hungry after stuffing myself with breakfast eggs and butter, but then i had some pork cracklings dipped in ghee and was full and stopped after half the packet. I feel sickly hungry again waiting for dinner, but it was nice to get like an hour of not being so hungry. I only noticed a tiny drop in hunger (from ravenous to always starving) on the last medication dosage drop, which was frustrating, so now i’m doing the next dosage drop and experienced a tiny bit of fullness today it gives me hope that i’ll get less hungry on this dosage when i’ve fully tapered.