Joe Rogan, Gary Taubes, Stephan Guyenet - marathon podcast


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #41

How did you want it to go, BTW?

(Chris) #42

I wanted to hear a real answer from SG. I cant stand when the study folks hide behind studies that really offer no solutions in the real world. Counting calories in a metabolic ward has no relevance in the wild (ex. had to work late, didn’t have time to prepare, on the road, whatever). SG talks about genetic expression and leptin, but he was too busy fighting with GT about the model of obesity, than the real source that is common.

Rogan should be commended for providing the forum he did for 2 quite frankly non mainstream heavy hitters to talk it out.

It was a complete waste of time, but blame SG and GT for poor usage of the forum


Oh love a duck, he’s not doing it for altruistic reasons, he’s doing it to make a living…

(Chris) #44

Does he owe you something? vote with your dollar and don’t listen

(Robert C) #45

I got through the whole marathon.

I literally had nothing else to do or it would have been cut off early and ignored forever.

Grown men acting like that - can’t even find the words…

(Running from stupidity) #46

I am, and I don’t care if his fanbois show up to defend his inability to do his job properly. He’s not good at running a podcast, and smoking weed and making them long so you don’t have to get to the point/stay on track aren’t excuses.

Podcasting/running a radio program, etc. is hard work and a very specialised skillset.


I’ll drag Rogan because didn’t he just last month let Alex conspiracy wacko Jones rant about how Asian people are “robots” and “psychotic killers” and that Native Americans are “easier to mind control” and that some racial groups are genetically smarter than others? And Rogan just let him say it? Gave him a platform and everything?

My only question is why does anyone with two remaining brain cells to rub together still go on this man’s show?

(charlie3) #48

Before science can have much credibility about some part of the human experience it has to get beyond theory and devise a meaningful experiment. When there are so many variables, as in a human body, that can be a problem and even then just because an experiment seems to find something doesn’t make it so and just because a good experiment is not possible doesn’t mean the common wisdom is not to be respected.

SG was a dick because he had a score to settle. I found nothing he had to say was actionable for me, as in how do I live longer and healthier. In contrast what GT has to say has practical application AND I have applied it AND I’m very happy wtih the results AND so are a lot other people. Journalists and scientists have different rule books. If SG was a class act he would have stuck to his rule book even if that put him at a disadvantage. Everybody was taking themselves too seriously.


Trash away :slight_smile:

I take him as entertainment, I watch the guests I like, the rest I skip…


Because he does this for a living… I don’t mind him giving a platmorm to all the weirdos, it’s up to us to make a judgment call and choose what we believe. It’s entertainment, his podcasts are of that type and he serves a little for everyone…

I watch the guests I like and don’t get personally attached to him :wink:


There’s something to be said tho about not letting dangerous ideas float. When I say there’s no such thing as bad publicity for people like Jones, I mean it. He doesn’t care about convincing Rogan or whomever else is in on the debate; he just wants a platform for his crazy ideas to float. And Rogan has to take some responsibility for giving a platform to a man who thought Sandy Hook was faked in an effort by the government to take white men’s guns away.

(Running from stupidity) #52

He has to take ALL of the responsibility for having him on his show.


I didn’t watch that episode, Alex Jones doesn’t interest me :slight_smile:
You’re right, but I see Joe Rogan as entertainment: he can do whatever he wants, it’s up to us to choose what we believe. I watched a great podcast with Sir Roger Penrose and he let him talk for most of the podcast - this is the type of JRE I like to watch and it doesn’t make me angry with the world :wink:


I mean I’m sure to Rogan it’s all “entertainment” when Jones says shit like “Northern Europeans and Japanese are genetically more intelligent than other races” and “the Chinese and Vietnamese are like robots and become psychotic killers when they fight in war” but that’s because nothing Jones says will effect Rogan. But Rogan let him say it on a podcast listened to by millions of people, and pretty much without rebuttal, so yeah, he’s responsible for all the dangerous ideas of nuts like Jones getting out to the mass public.

(Running from stupidity) #55

Sure, but that doesn’t absolve him of responsibility for having idiots with dangerous ideas on his show.


To some people, Gary Taubes is an idiot with dangerous ideas…

We have a saying in my country “bread and games for the masses…” :wink:

Edit: heck, to some of my friends, i’m an idiot with dangerous ideas for choosing the ketogenic WoE :wink: we are responsible for ourselves and we choose what to do with the information coming in…but the world is changing for the worst, too many stupid and careless folks running around :frowning:


Did you just compare Gary Taubes, a man who’s most controversial statements are that fat doesn’t make you fat and that obesity is caused by insulin resistance, to a man who denied that 20 elementary kids were shot and murdered in one of the most gruesome school shootings in American history because he’s afraid the government’s gonna take white men’s guns away?

(Running from stupidity) #58

And Rogan is likewise responsible for having him on. That doesn’t mean any idiot gets a platform - one of the things about running a podcast is that the people managing it have editorial control and thus have a responsibility to consider the ramifications of their actions, including who they give a megaphone to.


No, I didn’t compare the two, I compared the mindset of people listening to podcasts…

I won’t let this turn into an argument, I understand yours and @juice point of views and I agree with them.
I’m not invested enough to have strong opinions regarding this issue…live and let live, I will choose how seriously I follow other peoples trails of thought. We are all smart adults here, we can think critically, others can choose to believe the earth is flat…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #60

That’s not a fair reading of Sandy’s remark. If you read down the post, you will see that Sandy applies the same terms to herself, so clearly she doesn’t agree that the terms apply to Taubes any more than they apply to her—merely that there are people who consider those terms to apply.

That people exist, who consider Taubes an idiot and who consider his ideas dangerous, is indisputable. That they are wrong is a whole different matter. And that, I believe, was Sandy’s point.

If you’re going to pick a fight, at least pick an issue on which the two of you disagree. . . just saying.