Iv been drinking

(trevor) #1

so i been going back to keto this week. had a one too many Scotch and im on the form.
is there any keto hungover food. its Christmas that tripped me up after 6 months, its taken soo long to get back into it. iwhat yo all up to tonight, im board


Keto hangover food? Oh boy…water or ketoade and bacon! :smile::beers:

(trevor) #3

thank will try ketoade

(Michelle) #4

Let us know how you feel today!!! I felt awful after drinking when I re-introduced booze. Now I only have 1-2 glasses of wine on the weekends with dinner (and with friends). Far cry from my previous boozing habits!! But it’s all I can handle. And I know when I take that last sip of wine, and start feeling yucky, then it’s time to stop and pound the water.

Like someone on here said (sorry, can’t remember the person or I would credit) - That alcohol is so toxic, the body goes into crisis mode to clean it out of the bloodstream. All other fat burning processes stop while it takes care of the alcohol. Not just at that moment, but for days. Your hormones are wrecked for a while due to this emergency alcohol processing.


(trevor) #5

Pretty much feel like crap. I don’t drink often so think I will just cut it out completely

(Louise Gilchrist) #6

I am exactly the same takes a few days for me to recover after having too many felt like my body was shutting down the next day! I can only manage a couple glasses of wine now also!