Yes, this is a similar argument to the one the political conservatives in Australia made during last year’s devastating megafires. They claimed, without any evidence, that the “greenies” had prevented backburning before the fire season.
Of course, fire season is basically all year around nowadays in places like CA and Australia, and there’s no environmental campaign to prevent backburning. So for anyone with even a tiny bit of knowledge, it’s a spurious argument to make. It’s the adult equivalent of saying, “Hey, look over there!”
Fire chiefs themselves are saying the fire season is now longer because of climate change, the fires are getting orders of magnitude worse because of climate change, and this is irrespective of any “overgrown” forests or lack of backburning. In fact, the fire chiefs will tell you that backburning doesn’t do anything at all when you have megafires.
Don’t believe me? Listen to some fire chiefs. I’ve linked the following video to the 2 mins where a fire chief explains exactly the causes of these megafires, though I urge you to watch the whole video. Just press play to get to the relevant section though.
This has been talked about for years. Remove subsidies for harmful industries (monoculture crops, fossil fuels). And then invest in renewables and other clean tech. It’s extraordinary to me how hard people will fight for the air in their cities to remain dirty. Clean energy is a win/win, and it also happens to be cheaper in the long run than filthy old tech.
I think people on this forum should be putting their politics aside and examining the science. Just as we should be doing with Covid-19.